Represents a checkbox. This is a cell control that allows a user to toggle the boolean value in a cell. [ API set: ExcelApi BETA (PREVIEW ONLY) ]
There isn’t a straightforward way to insert checkboxes in Excel. By default, the app hides the feature. If you want to know how to insert a checkbox in Microsoft Excel, follow our steps below. How to Enable Developer Tools in Excel Before you can insert a checkbox in Excel, you need ...
BottomRightCell获取一个Range对象,该对象表示位于CheckBox右下角下面的单元格。 Bounds获取或设置控件(包括其非工作区元素)相对于其父控件的大小和位置(以像素为单位)。 (继承自Control。) CanEnableIme获取一个用以指示是否可以将ImeMode属性设置为活动值的值,以启用 IME 支持。 (继承自Control。) ...
Related:How to Create a Basic Form in Microsoft Excel Format a Check Box in Excel You can display the check box as checked, unchecked, or mixed as well as apply it to a particular cell and add shading. Right-click the check box control and choose "Format Control" from the menu. When ...
I'm running Excel on a Mac (macOS Monterey, ver 12.5). I'm adding checkboxes to my spreadsheet but cannot find a way to adjust the size of the checkbox itself. The Move and size with cells is grayed out (Format Object/Properties/Move ...
publicRange TopLeftCell {get; } 属性值 类型:Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range 一个Range对象,表示位于CheckBox左上角下面的单元格。 示例 有关演示如何使用此属性的代码示例,请参见Button.TopLeftCell。Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Controls命名空间中的所有控件都具有在功能上等效的 TopLeftCell 属性。
ICheckBox Properties _Default Accelerator Application Border BottomRightCell Caption Characters[] Creator Display3DShading Enabled Height Index Interior Left LinkedCell Locked LockedText Name OnAction Parent PhoneticAccelerator Placement PrintObject ShapeRange Text Top TopLeftCell Value Visible Width ZOrder Methods...
Sett = Sheet1.CommandButton1.TopLeftCellWithActiveWindow .ScrollRow = t.Row .ScrollColumn = t.ColumnEndWith 激活ActiveX 控件时,将禁用某些 Microsoft Excel Visual Basic 方法和属性。 例如,当控件处于活动状态时,不能使用Sort方法,因此以下代码在按钮单击事件过程中失败, (因为用户单击控件后控件仍处于活动状态...
I have been using the old logical functions if, and,or. They are accepted when inserted but after being filed, they show up with this error message that does...
Select the cell in which you want to insert the checkbox. You'll see that there's text to the right of the checkbox. We only want the text box, not the text. While the checkbox control is selected, highlight the text next to the checkbox, and delete it. ...