Security ID[Type = SID]:SID of account that registered the new device. Event Viewer automatically tries to resolve SIDs and show the account name. If the SID cannot be resolved, you will see the source data in the event. NoteAsecurity identifier (SID)is a unique value of variable length...
Security ID[Type = SID]:SID of account that registered the new device. Event Viewer automatically tries to resolve SIDs and show the account name. If the SID cannot be resolved, you will see the source data in the event. NoteAsecurity identifier (SID)is a unique value of variable length...
MB-220T02 A Configurar eventos e pesquisas no Dynamics 365 for Marketing Inglês 31/01/2020 MB-240T01 A Configuração do Dynamics 365 for Field Service Inglês 31/01/2020 MB-240T02 A Ordem de serviço e execução de entrega para o Dynamics 365 for Field Service Inglês 31/01...
SubstrateDirectoryEventProcessor26abc9a8-24f0-4b11-8234-e86ede698878 Substrate Search Settings Management Servicea970bac6-63fe-4ec5-8884-8536862c42d4 Sway905fcf26-4eb7-48a0-9ff0-8dcc7194b5ba Transcript Ingestion97cb1f73-50df-47d1-8fb0-0271f2728514 ...
WinEventLog 4104 dest, signature eventtype windows_ta_data WinEventLog 4706, 4713, 4744, 4749, 4750, 4759, 4794, 4876 src_subject_security_id Eventtype, action windows_ta_data XmlWinEventLog 4706, 4713, 4744,4749, 4750, 4759, 4794, 4876 src_subject_user_id Eventtype, action windows...
{ Id = '9c9f7914-04b2-4fd0-9d45-0ce4005fd681' DisplayName = 'Specify the maximum log file size (KB)' CategoryPath = '\Windows Components\Event Log Service\Application' PolicyType = 'admxBacked' SupportedOn = 'At least Windows Vista' ClassType = 'machine' } Enabled = $True } ...
Microsoft Edge Canary is the newest Edge app on mobile. here is the app on Google play: The Chromium version is ... YgorCortes Steel Contributor Apr 16, 2021
이 누적 업데이트 패키지에는 핫픽스 또는 SharePoint Foundation 2013를 대상으로 하는 공용 업데이트로 릴리스된 모든 .msp 파일이 포함 되어 있습니다. 전제 조건 ...
Mmsevent.dll.amd64.2dbd5ffd_aaa6_4300_a0f3_ad05ae0862c5 Mmsevent.dll 4.0.2450.47 8016 18-Apr-2019 02:43 Mmsevent.dll.ar_sa.2dbd5ffd_aaa6_4300_a0f3_ad05ae0862c5 Mmsevent.dll.mui 4.0.2450.51 80,896 18-Apr-2019 ...
Event ID: 3000 Task Category: None Level: Information Keywords: Classic User: RAZEN\rider Computer: Razen Description: The process 'C:\Users\rider\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe' exited with exit code 0. The creation time for the exiting process was 0x01d70b2ee6cf9e8a...