Correlation Id: 9cd6e1f9-1c3b-4e2b-ad8c-978ec4fc482d Timestamp: 2023-10-16T12:24:14.000Z DPTI: f27e17d6c46b877aa4618f2674d4c613b02b4ea4c4e076bfff80ecabd37d3b57 Error Tag: 7ita9 Error Code: 3399811147
{"__typename":"TagEdge","cursor":"MHwyMDI1fDl8MTA7MTB8cG86ZXF8cGM6MTow","node":{"__typename":"Tag","id":"tag:2025","text":"microsoft 365","lastActivityTime":"2024-12-12T13:54:39.000-08:00","messagesCount":2120,"followersCount":7}}],"totalCount":242,"pageInfo":{"__... In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful: Support Azure universal packages as a binary caching provider by @data-queue in microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1491 The following 7 ports have been added: portvers...
ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND 13013 (0x32D5) 找不到指定的預設主要模式原則。 ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_MM_AUTH_NOT_FOUND 13014 (0x32D6) 找不到指定的預設主要模式驗證清單。 ERROR_IPSEC_DEFAULT_QM_POLICY_NOT_FOUND 13015 (0x32D7) 找不到指定的預設快速模式原則。 ERROR...
I'm not sure what the repro steps are for this issue as it happens intermittently and looking at the telemetry there doesn't seem to be any common ground or any cases where it happens 100% of the time.I've included the area of code where I think the error orig...
We are seeing all sorts of sync issues, between mobile, web and Outlook. Even if I open To-Do from exact same accounts but different browsers, the...
{ "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error" ], "status": "404", "detail": "Resource 23B51B0E5D7AE9110A49411D@7cca31655d49f3640a494224 not found" } Get User by queryRequestGET /Users?filter=userName eq "Test_User_00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee"...
{ "schemas": [ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:Error" ], "status": "404", "detail": "Resource 23B51B0E5D7AE9110A49411D@7cca31655d49f3640a494224 not found" } 通过查询获取用户请求GET /Users?filter=userName eq "Test_User_00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44e...
For more information, see "The URL is invalid" error when you browse to a SharePoint site (KB5023406). How to get and install the update Method 1: Microsoft Update This update is available from Microsoft Update. When you turn on automa...
58388B8FB7CBD1A2BBC93484E1485B19EFDD006A8E6A65BB04506052BEA9DF8A Exchange Server 2019 累積的な更新プログラム 12 SU9V2 Exchange2019-KB5030524-x64-en.exe 7E5D99B4A2384F54C93D7E95704643E0A3F8F4DF89CB9589F5DCCD776...