IIS 會定義下列 HTTP 狀態代碼,指出錯誤 404 更具體的原因:展開資料表 代碼描述附註 404.0 找不到 您嘗試存取的檔案已移至他處或不存在。 404.1 找不到網站 要求的網站不存在。 404.2 ISAPI 或 CGI 限制。 要求的 ISAPI 資源或要求的 CGI 資源在電腦上受到限制。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 HTTP 錯誤 404.2 (...
IIS 定义了以下 HTTP 状态代码,这些代码指示错误 404 的更具体原因: 代码说明注释 404.0未找到尝试访问的文件已移动或不存在。 404.1未找到站点请求的网站不存在。 404.2ISAPI 或 CGI 限制。请求的 ISAPI 资源或请求的 CGI 资源在计算机上受到限制。 有关详细信息,请参阅HTTP 错误 404.2。
Keep getting {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}} Hey guys, I'm trying to create a new speaker profile using the speaker identifier API. This is my code The response I get {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}...
Consider the following scenario. In an application, you try to open an XML document by using Windows Internet Explorer. However, the XML document is not valid. In this scenario, error code 404 is returned as expected. ...
CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_download_distfile.cmake:32 (message): Failed to download file with error: 1 原因1:下载 URL 不再有效 由于vcpkg 控制之外的原因,URL 可能会变得无效。 可以通过使用 Web 浏览器导航到下载 URL 来诊断损坏的链接,损坏的链接将产生 404 状态代码。
Keep getting {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}} Hey guys, I'm trying to create a new speaker profile using the speaker identifier API. This is my code The response I get {"error":{"code":"404","message": "Resource not found"}} An...
編譯器警告 (層級 1) C4418__declspec(code_seg(...)) 在型舉上已忽略 編譯器警告 (層級 3) C4419'symbol' 在套用至私用 ref 類別 'class'時無效。 編譯器警告 (層級 1) C4420'checked_operator':無法使用運算子,使用 'operator' 代替;執行階段檢查可能無法執行 ...
"error": { "code":"", "message": { "lang":"en-US", "value":"Type 'TenantReporting.MailFilterListReport' does not have a property named 'Organizations'; there is no service action named 'Organizations' that is bindable to the type ...
Error HTTP code 404 when using PySpark / Openai from Synapse Notebook 10-24-2023 08:14 AM Hi, I'm trying to use Openai in a notebook with some simple PySparc code: !pip install openai #Returns ok with: "Successfully installed openai-0.28.1" import opena...
DownloadManager Error: 0 : WinInet failure: Url 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/A/5/CA5FAD87-1E93-454A-BB74-98310A9C523C/ExternalDiskCache_amd64.msi' returned HTTP status code: 404. Download failure for External Cache 1.1. ...