读取用户的 Microsoft Entra 角色成员身份,其范围限定为管理单元 读取用户的发起人 读取用户的基本属性目录同步帐户请勿使用。 此角色自动分配给 Microsoft Entra Connect 服务,不可用于其他...
$filter=displayName eq 'User Administrator' 使用列出administrativeUnits API 获取要将角色分配的作用域限定到的管理单元。 HTTP 复制 GET$filter=displayName eq 'Seattle Admin Unit' 使用Create unifiedRoleAssignment API 分配角色。 HTTP 复制... 读取用户的 Microsoft Entra 角色成员身份,其范围限定为管理单元 读取用户的发起人 读取用户的基本属性目录同步帐户请勿使用。 此角色自动分配给 Microsoft Entra Connect 服务,不可用于...
Several Microsoft Entra roles span Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft 365, such as the Global Administrator and User Administrator roles. For example, if you're a member of the Global Administrator role, you have global administrator capabilities in Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft 365, such as ...
添加了企业通信器 AddUserRole 用户被分配为公司通信者。 更改了自定义使用策略 UsagePolicyUpdated 租户管理员更新自定义使用策略。 已更改数据保留策略 SoftDeleteSettingsUpdated 验证管理员将网络数据保留策略的设置更新为了硬删除或软删除。 仅验证管理员可以执行此操作。 已更改网络配置 NetworkConfigurationUpdated 网络...
Choose the user you want to make an admin, and then selectManage roles. Select the admin access you want the user to have and selectSave changes. Assign admin roles to users using Roles In the admin center, go toRoles->Role assignments. Choose theMicrosoft Entra ID,Exchange,IntuneorBilling...
在Microsoft Entra ID 租户中具有Global Administrator权限。 自定义的可路由域名。 步骤 添加域用户 如果还没有这些用户,请使用Azure控制台将您的自定义域名添加到 Microsoft Entra ID 并创建用户: 1 将自定义域添加到 Microsoft Entra ID 将您的自定义域名添加到 Microsoft Entra ID 中,以创建属于您的域的用户。
If you use Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, contact your administrator for help. For more information, seeHow it works: Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication. For more information about two-factor authorization, seeSign in to your work or school account using your two-factor verification method...
I just did this today. Our devices our HAADJ. We're not using Intune to manage our devices either at this time. Still testing. So SCCM is our primary. I used these links to setup our migration from Legacy to Windows LAPS. The 2nd link from The Lazy Admi...
Configureclient-side policiesviaMicrosoft Intuneportalfor local administrator password management to set account name, password age, length, complexity, manual password reset and so on. Recoverstored passwordsviaMicrosoft Entra/Microsoft Intune portalorMicrosoft Graph API/PSH ...