Explore Microsoft entra plans and pricing Microsoft Entra ID P1 Microsoft Entra ID P2 Microsoft Entra Suite Expand all|Collapse all Toggle visibility of 10 table rows below the Microsoft Entra ID row Microsoft Entra ID Toggle visibility of 8 table rows below the Microsoft Entra ID Protection row ...
Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Entra Suite Microsoft Entra Suite standalone products Additional Microsoft Entra products Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Entra Suite Explore identity and network access features and pricing. Explore Microsoft entra plans and pricing Partially included Included Microsoft...
Azure Active Directory 現在是 Microsoft Entra 識別碼,可透過雲端身分識別和存取管理保護您的組織。 解決方案會將員工、客戶和合作夥伴連線到其應用程式、裝置和數據。使用本文的指引來協助建置您的計劃,以部署 Microsoft Entra ID。 了解規劃建置基本概念,然後使用下列各節進行驗證部署、應用程式和裝置、混合式案例、...
Azure Active Directory 现为Microsoft Entra ID,可以使用云标识和访问管理来保护组织。 该解决方案将员工、客户和合作伙伴连接到其应用、设备和数据。 使用本文的指南来帮助构建计划,以部署 Microsoft Entra ID。 了解计划构建基础知识,然后使用以下部分进行身份验证部署、应用和设备、混合方案、用户标识等。
The Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 tier provides extra functionality as compared to the Free and Office 365 editions. However, premium versions require additional cost per user provisioning. Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 comes in two versions–P1 and P2. You can procure it ...
See plans and pricing Manage and protect with Microsoft Entra ID Safeguard your organization with a cloud identity and access management solution that connects employees, customers, and partners to their apps, devices, and data. Comprehensive capabilities App integrations and single sign-on (SSO) ...
在來源租使用者中:使用此功能需要 Microsoft Entra ID P1 授權。 與跨租使用者同步處理同步處理的每位用戶都必須在其主/來源租用戶中擁有 P1 授權。 若要尋找您需求的正確授權,請參閱Microsoft Entra ID Plans & Pricing。 在目標租使用者中:跨租使用者同步會依賴 Microsoft Entra 外部 ID 計費模型。 若要瞭解...
Additional resources for Microsoft Entra ID Name change Azure AD is now Microsoft Entra ID Microsoft Entra ID is the new name for Azure AD. All licensing and functionality remain the same. No action is required from you. Learn more Tech Community ...
We updated references to Azure Active Directory (AAD) to reflect its new name,Microsoft Entra ID. We revised ourCollection of data from childrenandXboxsections to clarify how Xbox collects and utilises users’ data, including diagnostic data and data for curated experiences. ...
Over time, Microsoft will also expand the eligibility of Copilot with commercial data protection to even more Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) users at no additional cost. Copilot (formerly Bing Chat and Bing Chat Enterprise) will be out of preview and become generally available ...