Welcome to the Enterprise Skills Initiative. Microsoft and your organization are working together to help you learn the skills you need to be successful with Azure and other Microsoft technologies. Sharpen your technical skills and knowledge of Microsoft solutions by enrolling in interactive courses and...
Microsoft Learn | Enterprise Skills Initiative Promuovere la competitività e la produttività del personale nell’organizzazione aziendale potenziando le competenze tecniche attraverso l'Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI). L'accesso a ESI è disponibile esclusivamente per i membri invitati iscritti al pr...
Hi All, I'm trying to login into https://esi.microsoft.com/, but when I'm entering my working email address I received the error below: Sorry, this email address is not eligible for the Enterprise Skills Initiative. Can someone advise what are…
Die Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI) bietet einen programmatischen Weg für Unternehmenskunden, um Wissenslücken in ihren Organisationen zu schließen und eine schnelle, effektive Einführung von Azure, Security oder auch Business Applications zu ermöglichen. Der Skilling-Plan kombiniert dabei...
\n Partecipa a un evento della Cloud Week for Partners e seleziona la traccia Role-based appropriata.\n Se la tua organizzazione fa parte della Microsoft Learn Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI), partecipa a un corso ufficiale Microsoft (MOC) attraverso il portale di apprendimento ESI LXP...
É por isso que a Microsoft trabalha com clientes e parceiros para apoiar seus funcionários na construção de conhecimento técnico na nuvem por meio da Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI). O programa facilita a criação de uma cultura de aprendizagem moderna que permite a transformaç...
Microsoft Enterprise Skills Initiative (alkalmazásazonosító 195e7f27-02f9-4045-9a91-cd2fa1c2af2f). Proxykezelés A vállalati proxyk kezeléséhez bérlőket kell hozzáadni a Microsoft Entra forgalmi engedélyezési listájához. A vállalati proxyhitelesítési sík védelméhez konfigurálja...
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Security –Since launching ourSecure Future Initiative (SFI)one year ago, we have made security the No. 1 job of every employee at Microsoft, dedicated 34,000 engineers to this focus and, at Ignite, we are announcing innovations that are rooted in our SFI principles: secure by design, ...
We have just the thing for you: Exam prep videos for certification exams in alignment with the Enterprise Skills Initiative! If your organization is a nominated customer in the ESI program, you will find many of these exam preps familiar in topic. These are recorded sessions with certified trai...