与Microsoft帐户关联的Email地址和电话号码称为别名,它们使用相同的联系人、在线存储、订阅和帐户设置。 你可以使用任何别名登录到Microsoft服务或 Windows 和 Xbox 设备,并且可以选择其中任何一个来发送和接收电子邮件。 别名共享单个密码。 还可以添加其他电子邮件地址 ((例如合作伙伴的电子邮件) )来验证登录信息。
与Microsoft帐户关联的Email地址和电话号码称为别名,它们使用相同的联系人、在线存储、订阅和帐户设置。 你可以使用任何别名登录到Microsoft服务或 Windows 和 Xbox 设备,并且可以选择其中任何一个来发送和接收电子邮件。 别名共享单个密码。 还可以添加其他电子邮件地址 ((例如合作伙伴的电子邮件) )来验证登录信息。
Add, remove or update an email address or phone number Sign in to your Microsoft account to edit Your infoEdit account info Choose Add email, Add phone number, or select Remove next to an existing address. Tip: If you can't sign in, ...
Follow the steps on this page to change the Microsoft account email address or phone number (also known as your account alias or username) that you use to sign in. Concerned about your licenses? Don’t worry—if you change your account alias, or remove an alias and then add a ne...
When your old email address or phone number doesn't suit you anymore—but you want to retain your contacts, online storage, subscriptions, and settings—you can add a new email address or phone number as an alias to your existing Mic...
Follow the steps on this page to change the Microsoft account email address or phone number (also known as your account alias or username) that you use to sign in. Concerned about your licences? Don’t worry—if you change your account alias, or remove an alias and then add a new...
Email 位址區段:選取[管理電子郵件地址類型] 來管理郵件使用者的 Proxy 位址。 訊息傳遞限制區段:選取 [管理訊息傳遞限制] 以變更下列屬性: 接受區段中的訊息: 選取[所有發件者]或[選取的發件人]。 如果您選取 [選取的發件人],[新增寄件者] 隨即出現,供您選取要允許的寄件者。
Email 位址區段:選取[管理電子郵件地址類型] 來管理郵件使用者的 Proxy 位址。 訊息傳遞限制區段:選取 [管理訊息傳遞限制] 以變更下列屬性: 接受區段中的訊息: 選取[所有發件者]或[選取的發件人]。 如果您選取 [選取的發件人],[新增寄件者] 隨即出現,供您選取要允許的寄件者。
I would like to use PowerShell to remove phone numbers from all users' contact information on outlook. Also to use PowerShell to add phone numbers for multiple users in Microsoft Entra.Microsoft Exchange Online Microsoft Exchange Online A Microsoft email and calendaring hosted service. ...
Value (EmailAddressType) Value (ExtendedAttributeType) Value (ExtendedPropertyType) Value (Message Tracking) Value (PersonaPhoneNumberType) Value (PersonaPostalAddressType) Value (ProtectionRuleValueType) Value (UserConfiguration) Values Values (ArrayOfStringValueType) ViewPrivateItems VotingInformation Votin...