描述 Enables Youtube TV with auto HD on your pc so you can control youtube from your mobile device. # Enables youtube.com/tv# 1) Install plugin 2) Go to youtube.com/tv 3) Settings cog > Link with TV code 4) Open youtube app on your mobile device 5) Press your picture in the...
点击选择清除内容,在弹出的窗口中选择缓存图片和文件,最后点击立即清除。等待Edge完成操作,重启网页浏览器并尝试再次加载视频。3] 重置边缘标志 关键问题在于,YouTube 在 Edge 浏览器中无法正常工作的问题可能与 edge:flags 相关。现在,为了解决这个问题,请在 Edge 的地址栏中输入 edge:flags,然后按键盘上的 En...
微软正在其 Edge 网络浏览器中测试其对“可跟随网络”的愿景。Microsoft Edge 的最新 Canary 版本具有一项新功能,可让您轻松关注您喜爱的 YouTube 频道。Redditor u/Leopeva64-2首次注意到Microsoft Edge 收藏功能的新增功能。他们在 Reddit 上获得了追随者,因为他们在 Edge 和 Chrome 上展示了即将推出的功能。这...
So, this is the entire procedure to download YouTube videos in Microsoft Edge. There are a variety of apps or extensions that let you download YouTube videos. But when it comes to Edge, only Tampermonkey is allowed. However, we will update the topic whenever Edge introduces or launches any...
Consider donating or sponsoring the project on GitHub: https://ko-fi.com/nikkelm https://github.com/sponsors/NikkelM Do you have questions or feedback? Feel free to open an issue on the project's GitHub page: https://github.com/NikkelM/Random-YouTube-Video Latest changes: v3.1.10 - ...
微软於今年4月15日释出Microsoft Edge 90稳定版,不过,陆续传出用户透过Microsoft Edge 90观看YouTube时,YouTube影片会卡住,接着整个Edge浏览器就会当掉,微软则回覆已接获不同的报告,正在进行修补,用户可先下载与安装Canary测试版来因应。此一问题最早出现的时间点应该是在4月23日左右,根据微软的Edge版本更新...
If you are using Windows 10, it is possible that Flash is not enabled in Microsoft Edge, which can prevent YouTube videos from playing. To enable Flash, click on the triple dotted option icon at the top right corner of your Edge browser window. Then, click onSettingsat the bottom of th...
If YouTube videos are not loading or playing in the Edge browser on Windows 11/10, you may need to check Flash settings, Disable GPU, Clear the cache, Reset Edge flags to default, etc. Some users might suffer from a black screen; videos fail to load, no sound in videos, and much ...
This is not peculiar to Edge, and some users have also struggled with issues ofno sound in Google Chrome. Why is YouTube playing with no sound? When YouTube plays without sound, there could be a few factors responsible. Some are peculiar to Youtube or the browser, while others are syste...
Microsoft Edge 浏览器功能:【极速简洁,告别繁琐一键直达】【灵活高效,多款扩展自由添加】【广告拦截,智能过滤移除广告】【多端同步,畅览由你随心所阅】【隐私保护,数据安全以你为先】【放心浏览,隐藏身份深层防护】【自动填充,智能高效节省时间】【建立集锦,数据文档跟你走】使用Microsoft Edge浏览器即可获得快速、...