据外媒报道,本周早些时候,Microsoft Edge团队的一名前实习生指责谷歌通过设计自家网站使其在浏览器上表现不佳从而故意展示Edge“糟糕”的一面。此前,微软曾宣布了将放弃EdgeHTML渲染引擎转而开发基于Chromium的新浏览器的消息。 具体来说,指控提到了YouTube网站的一个变化--在视频播放器的顶部添加了一个空div。这使得...
微软 微软於今年4月15日释出Microsoft Edge 90稳定版,不过,陆续传出用户透过Microsoft Edge 90观看YouTube时,YouTube影片会卡住,接着整个Edge浏览器就会当掉,微软则回覆已接获不同的报告,正在进行修补,用户可先下载与安装Canary测试版来因应。此一问题最早出现的时间点应该是在4月23日左右,根据微软的Edge版本...
YouTube否认故意破坏其在Microsoft Edge上的运行性能 据外媒报道,本周早些时候,Microsoft Edge团队的一名前实习生指责谷歌通过设计自家网站使其在浏览器上表现不佳从而故意展示Edge“糟糕”的一面。此前,微软曾宣布了将放弃EdgeHTML渲染引擎转而开发基于Chromium的新浏览器的消息。 具体来说,指控提到了YouTube的一个变化...
If YouTube videos are not loading or playing in the Edge browser on Windows 11/10, you may need to check Flash settings, Disable GPU, Clear the cache, Reset Edge flags to default, etc. Some users might suffer from a black screen; videos fail to load, no sound in videos, and much m...
微軟為 Edge 瀏覽器發布了一個名為“Edge Block Video Ads”的新標誌,該標誌將嘗試阻止在 Android 手機上播放的 YouTube 視頻中的所有廣告。 從技術上講,它還應該阻止其他平台上的視頻。 目前,新標誌僅適用於 Edge Canary 用戶。
If you’re having a hard time playing YouTube videos on Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 or Windows 11, like running into sound problems, videos not loading, or just seeing a black or blank screen, this guide can help you fix it. There are several reasons why this might happen, and we’...
MS Edge extension to remove YouTube distractions, including the recommended sidebar, endscreen video suggestions, user comments, homepage related videos feed, trending tab, turn off autoplay or annotations, and more. Toggle the options through the popup to customize your own YouTube experienc...
In case you are unable to hear Audio while playing YouTube Videos on Microsoft Edge, the problem might be due incorrect Audio device being set as the main Audio Processor. 1.Right-click on theSound iconlocated in the Taskbar and click onSoundsin the menu that appears. ...
与你的浏览器兼容 描述 ***Important: This extension doesn't keep the confirmation box from popping up. It only counters it. It auto-clicks the confirmation box and the video won't get paused.*** Working on YouTube and YouTube Music! Media Keys supported! This extension will always remain...
Microsoft Edge Canary crashes on YouTube Studio site when editing Good evening, I've been editing videos on YouTube Studio, and it has crashed like 10 times in a span of time of 20 minutes, it's happening when I edit a description of the video, when I edit a tag of ...