点击选择清除内容,在弹出的窗口中选择缓存图片和文件,最后点击立即清除。等待Edge完成操作,重启网页浏览器并尝试再次加载视频。3] 重置边缘标志 关键问题在于,YouTube 在 Edge 浏览器中无法正常工作的问题可能与 edge:flags 相关。现在,为了解决这个问题,请在 Edge 的地址栏中输入 edge:flags,然后按键盘上的 En...
Since Google doesn’t offer a native YouTube app on Windows, you must use the web version to check your favorite creator’s latest videos. Most users prefer the Microsoft Edge browser on Windows, but the YouTube experience isn’t flawless. Sometimes, you may run into glitches. Here are th...
微软於今年4月15日释出Microsoft Edge 90稳定版,不过,陆续传出用户透过Microsoft Edge 90观看YouTube时,YouTube影片会卡住,接着整个Edge浏览器就会当掉,微软则回覆已接获不同的报告,正在进行修补,用户可先下载与安装Canary测试版来因应。此一问题最早出现的时间点应该是在4月23日左右,根据微软的Edge版本更新...
On Friday, Microsoft released Edge 90.0.818.62 with a partial fix for YouTube video playback. It came from the before mentioned Edge Canary and should solve the problem for many. Still, some users may continue to run into issues with YouTube in Edge. The company continues working on this ...
我们其实只需要这样操作:1、首先我们使用启动Microsoft Edge并打开YouTube;2、打开网页后按键盘上的F12键启动开发者模式就好了。为了让大家更好的解决win10用Microsoft Edge浏览器浏览YouTube速度很慢问题,我们下面就带来了很详细的具体处理对策。 解决措施:
I've gone through settings within Edge to see if there is anything that remotely could be attributed to preventing these menu's from working within YouTube. I've even tried the menus while NOT logged in to Edge or logged into YouTube yet this tends to rule...
So, the problem is that when i'm watching a video on youtube, in fullscreen or not, there is a white feather/flaring in the top and the bottom of the video,...
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据外媒报道,本周早些时候,Microsoft Edge团队的一名前实习生指责谷歌通过设计自家网站使其在浏览器上表现不佳从而故意展示Edge“糟糕”的一面。此前,微软曾宣布了将放弃EdgeHTML渲染引擎转而开发基于Chromium的新浏览器的消息。 具体来说,指控提到了YouTube的一个变化--在播放器的顶部添加了一个空div。这使得微软的...
OnReddit, a Microsoft community manager commented that the company has pushed an update to fix the YouTube issues in Edge. This fix first went live in Edge's Canary channel, where it fixed the issue for a lot of users but not for everyone. ...