Microsoft Edge 中的跟踪防护功能通过限制跟踪器访问基于浏览器的存储和网络的能力来保护用户免受联机跟踪。 跟踪防护功能旨在维护Microsoft Edge 浏览器隐私承诺,同时确保默认情况下不会影响网站兼容性或 Web 的经济可行性。 另请参阅: 欢迎使用 Microsoft Edge - 更智能的保护方式 ...
三、解决方案 面对这一问题,微软建议受影响的用户尽可能使用Microsoft Edge浏览器,以避免这些问题。毕竟,Edge浏览器与Microsoft 365服务的兼容性更佳,能够确保用户获得流畅的使用体验。此外,对于坚持使用Chrome浏览器的用户,微软也提供了另一种解决方案。用户可以通过禁用Chrome的“追踪保护”功能来恢复Microsoft 365服...
微软建议受影响的用户尽可能使用 Microsoft Edge,以避免这些问题。Chrome 浏览器管理员也可以禁用“跟踪保护”功能,恢复用户使用。IT之家此前报道,谷歌已经邀请用户测试这项新特性,在 chrome://settings/cookies 页面下引入了名为“追踪保护”(Tracking Protection)的全新页面,默认设置为“标准”。该工具整合浏览器...
Internet service providers, websites, and apps may be collecting your browsing data, but security features like private browsing allow you to limit what they gather. While it’s impossible to be completely anonymous, InPrivate browsing fromMicrosoft Edgeremoves local data while you surf the web. ...
Microsoft Edge’s tracking prevention is designed to detect and block known trackers whether you’re on your desktop or your mobile phone. We put you in control of which trackers to block with three levels to choose from: basic, balanced, and strict. Tracking prevention’s balanced mode is ...
This document provides links to go to Microsoft Edge settings and other pages. The shortcuts URLs start with edge:// such as edge://favorites and edge://settings/privacy. To go to the pages, type the bolded text directly into the Microsoft Edge address bar. The pages are only viewable ...
The best way to learn what’s changed with tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge 79 is to take a look at the table below: Along the top are the categories of trackers as defined by Disconnect’s tracking protection list categories.
原則名稱標題 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 停用CAST 裝置探索的 DIAL 通訊協定 EnableMediaRouter 啟用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具列中顯示投射圖示憑證管理設定原則名稱標題 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允許使用者管理已安裝的 CA 憑證。 CACertificates 應由Microsoft Edge 信任的 TLS 伺服器...
But the mechanism is a little bit more complex. According to Microsoft, Edge's new Tracking Prevention feature is possible because of the addition of a new component known as Trust Protection Lists. This component contains lists of organizations and their domains, known to track their users, and...
原則名稱標題 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 停用CAST 裝置探索的 DIAL 通訊協定 EnableMediaRouter 啟用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具列中顯示投射圖示憑證管理設定原則名稱標題 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允許使用者管理已安裝的 CA 憑證。 CACertificates 應由Microsoft Edge 信任的 TLS 伺服器...