1 双击桌面 Microsoft Edge 快捷方式图标,启动 Microsoft Edge 。 2 点击右上角的三点图标并在下拉菜单里点击“设置”。3 选择左侧的“外观”,在右侧的“自定义工具栏”部分下,将“显示工作区按钮”切换为关。
If you’ve come to expect a certain behavior from Windows’ Alt + Tab shortcut—that it will cycle through all open windows—you may be thrown for a loop when using Microsoft Edge as your browser. Inexplicably, Alt + Tab presents you with not just every open program, but also every ope...
当您在新的设备上使用Tab标签页时,您可以在右上角的 设置 - 备份与恢复 中使用 从本地导入备份 功能,选择导出的配置文件,即可直接还原到您之前的设置。显示更多 用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 X X 2024年9月18日非常好的插件,最近edge不知道出什么毛病,开/关代理会影响新标签页的展示,尤其强制显示...
The Microsoft Edge Tab organization behavior is turned on by default. To turn this behavior off, go to edge://settings/privacy and under Services turn off the Let Microsoft Edge help keep your tabs organized setting:When the Tab Organization service is turned off, new Tab groups are given a...
Learn more devices Browse with Edge across all your devices Easily sync your passwords, favorites, and settings across all your devices—Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android. Download for your device
這些版本資訊提供公司或學校帳戶可用的新功能,以及 Microsoft Edge for Mobile Stable 通道中所包含之非安全性更新的相關信息。若要了解 Microsoft Edge 通道,請參閱 Microsoft Edge 通道概觀。所有穩定通道安全性更新都列在 Microsoft Edge 安全性更新的版本資訊中。備註...
NewTabPagePrerenderEnabled 啟用預先載入的新索引標籤頁面,以加快頁面呈現速度 NewTabPageQuickLinksEnabled 允許新分頁頁面上的快速連結 NewTabPageSetFeedType 設定Microsoft Edge 新的索引標籤頁面體驗 (過時) RestoreOnStartup 在Edge啟動時Microsoft採取的動作 RestoreOnStartupURLs 瀏覽器啟動時開啟的網站 RestoreOnStar...
Add option to use most recent order when switching tabs with ctrl+tab Add option to always switch to new tabs when they are created These are missing from Chrome and would be great to have in Edge. JordanQNo, sorry, this is far from solving the problem! I can't imagine who in their...
Personalize Microsoft Edge with a new browser theme inspired by The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the game. This theme changes the look and feel of your browser and the new tab page to create a beautiful and immersive visual experience inspired by...
联系Microsoft Edge 开发工具团队 适用于 Visual Studio Code 的开发工具 Microsoft Edge 扩展 渐进式 Web 应用 WebView2 测试和自动化 Microsoft Edge 的开发提示 Microsoft Edge IDE 集成 Microsoft Edge 中的辅助功能 DualEngine 有关使用 Microsoft Edge 进行 Web 开发的视频 ...