ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED或ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR。 提取页面上的资源时,也可能发生此错误,从而导致显示或延迟问题。 “TLS 1.3 混合 Kyber 支持”功能会导致此错误。若要验证问题是否与 TLS 中的 Kyber 密钥封装相关,可以通过 中的edge://flags/#enable-tls13-kyber标志禁用该功能。
策略名称字幕 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 禁用用于强制转换设备发现的 DIAL 协议 EnableMediaRouter 启用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具栏中显示 Cast 图标内容设置策略名称字幕 AutoSelectCertificateForUrls 自动为这些网站选择客户端证书 AutomaticDownloadsAllowedForUrls 允许在特定网站上快速连续进行...
To enable End to End SSL on the App Gateway, you will need your backend health probe to be HTTPS. If you are using the App Gateway V1 SKU, you might also need to remove the custom domain on your web app, as it is known to cause issues. If you are only trying to do SSL termin...
However, when trying to grab the extensions from the internet browser marketplace instead, I noticed that during the install the SSL error comes from trying to query IPs from VS Code and gave error code: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN.
I encountered the problem described in this Thread but with the Microsoft Edge browser version 119, which has been published on November 2, 2023. The problem only seems to occur on webserver instances with multiple https-enabled virtualhosts, on virtualhosts that are not the one th...
You can customize your organization's browser settings in Microsoft Edge with Group Policy or Microsoft Intune, or other MDM service. When you do this, you set the policy once and then copy it onto many computers—that is, touch once, configure many.
If you have enabled the SSL 3.0 in your Internet Options settings, it will generate a conflict between your web browser and the websites that have disabled the SSL 3.0, due to which you may experience the “Can’t Connect Securely to this page” error on Microsoft Edge. ...
If embedded images, frames, or ActiveX controls fallback to SSL 3.0, Internet Explorer displays the following error message: This content cannot be displayed in a frame Content was blocked because it used an insecure encryption protocol For more information, see "...
If embedded images, frames, or ActiveX controls fallback to SSL 3.0, Internet Explorer displays the following error message: This content cannot be displayed in a frame Content was blocked because it used an insecure encryption protocol For more information, see "...
At first, I thought it was an Schannel problem, but now I'm not sure, because no Schannel error appears in event viewer, and I am able to access the site with IE11 and Edge just fine. Does anyone have any ideas what the problem might...