Microsoft Edge setter faner i "hvilemodus" når du ikke bruker dem. Dette øker nettleserens ytelse ved å frigjøre systemressurser som minne og CPU, for å sikre at fanene du bruker, har ressursene de trenger. Finn ut mer Trekk Faner i hvilemodus Microsoft Edge setter faner i...
科技巨头微软近日发布了一项令人瞩目的更新,宣称其Microsoft Edge浏览器在全球用户中正展现出前所未有的高效能,一项核心功能——SleepingTabs,正在为用户节省海量RAM资源。微软EdgeDev团队在推文中揭示,仅在过去的28天里,这一创新就为用户节省了惊人的273PB的RAM(相当于每个标签节省约39.1MB),这一数...
Edge 工作區設定原則名稱標題 EdgeWorkspacesEnabled 啟用工作區 WorkspacesNavigationSettings 在Microsoft Edge 工作區中設定每個 URL 群組的導覽設定實驗原則名稱標題 FeatureFlagOverridesControl 設定使用者覆寫功能旗標的能力擴充功能原則名稱標題 BlockExternalExtensions 封鎖安裝外部擴充功能 ControlDefaultStateOfAllow...
除此外,Edge 最近也在试验一项名为「Sleeping Tabs」的功能,它可以让暂时不用的标签页自动进入睡眠状态...
By default, we’ve set tabs to go to sleep after two hours of inactivity. If two hours isn’t right for you, you can choose a different time interval in edge://settings/system. Tabs that are asleep will fade to let you know they’ve released resources. To resume a ...
策略名称字幕 GenAILocalFoundationalModelSettings GenAI 本地基础模型的设置HTTP 身份验证策略名称字幕 AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins 允许所有 HTTP 身份验证的源列表 AllowCrossOriginAuthPrompt 允许跨域 HTTP 身份验证提示 AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist 指定Microsoft Edge 可将用户凭据委派到的服务器列表 AuthSchemes...
Sep 21, 2021 Eleanor_Huynhhi there, ever since I updated toVersion 93.0.961.52 (Official build) (x86_64) sleeping tabs is not longer working nor can I find it on edge://flags. THe Sleeping tabs setting is on but it just never put any tabs to sleep which is quite frustrating. Is it...
Microsoft has made some improvements to the sleeping tabs features in its Edge browser, saving even more of your PC's resources. With version 100 of Microsoft Edge, more of your tabs can be put to sleep, plus you can now visualize the resources you're saving by using them. For starters...
You can try sleeping tabs starting in Microsoft Edge Beta 88. If you see the sleeping tabs feature while browsing, please join us on the Microsoft Edge Insider forums orTwitterto discuss your experience, or send us your feedback through the browser. If you have any questions, see ourFAQor...
自109 版起Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述設定原則可讓您建立 URL 模式清單,以指定無法設定 Cookie 的網站。如果已設定,將原則保持未設定會導致所有網站使用 DefaultCookiesSetting。 如果沒有,則會套用使用者的個人設定。雖然沒有特定原則優先順序,但請參閱 CookiesAllowedForUrls 和 CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls。 這3...