IfMicrosoft Edge is showing a blank white screenwhen you launch it, the solutions provided in this post may help you fix the problem. The users who experienced this problem have stated that Edge displays a blank white or black screen for some time when they launch it. The problem appears e...
设置下载目录= ${local_app_data}\Microsoft\Edge\KioskDownloads 其他命令行选项 --no-first-run:禁用首次 Microsoft Edge 运行体验。 msedge.exe --kiosk --edge-kiosk-type=fullscreen --no-first-run msedge.exe --kiosk --edge-kiosk-type=public-browsing --no-firs...
Hardware Acceleration might provide smoother graphics rendering for pages, but switching it off can eliminate numerous browser crashes and even fix the Microsoft Edge blank grey screen. If this resolves the Edge blank screen crash, see how keeping it disabled works for other apps. Also, if you e...
1] Clear the Edge Browsing data You can have your screen appear black in your Edge browser when there is a corrupted cache. Also, if Edge accumulates a large amount of data while browsing, the application may slow down or even become unresponsive. When this happens, you can always tryclear...
在macOS 上将默认浏览器设置为 Microsoft Edge 并启用该功能时,Teams 桌面应用中的 Web 链接将通过聊天、频道、日历和其他入口点发送。 这些链接在登录到 Teams 应用的配置文件中无缝打开,无需在浏览器中重新进行身份验证。 此功能可更快、更轻松地访问内容。 管理员可以使用“选择打开 Web 链接的浏览器”Microsoft...
Microsoft Edge 132 从 HTMLVideoElement中删除以下内容: 属性webkitSupportsFullscreen。 属性webkitDisplayingFullscreen。 方法webkitEnterFullscreen()。 方法webkitExitFullscreen()。 请注意 FullScreen 中“S”的不同大写。 方法webkitEnterFullScreen()。 方法webkitExitFullScreen()。 这些方法现在只是新式 API 的别...
项目信息: 所需权限: ◆“contextMenus”:在网络浏览器上下文菜单中添加“转到全屏”菜单项。 ◆ “选项卡”:管理选项卡以在新的弹出面板中打开它们并检测当前正在播放的 HTML5 视频。 ◆ “存储”:将设置保存在本地并与您的网络浏览器帐户同步...
1.3Clear Microsoft Edge cache data 1.4Disable or remove edge extensions. 1.5Disable hardware acceleration 1.6Reset Microsoft Edge 1.7Update graphics drivers What causes Edge black screen issue? There are a number of reasons for causeWindows 11 Edge black screenissue. Outdated Windows version, corrupt ...
Resolved an issue where the ‘Display Microsoft Edge in this language’ button was not available in the settings web UI. Resolved an issue where clicking ‘Allow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode’ in the appearance settings would display a blank screen in the web UI. Resolved ...