Windows 10 版本 1511 或更高版本上的 Microsoft Edge 此策略一旦设置完成,用户便无法再更改此内容。 打开组策略管理控制台 (gpmc.msc) 并切换到编辑任何现有策略或新建一个策略。 导航到管理模板\Windows 组件\Microsoft Edge。 双击“配置起始页”,将其设置为“启用”,并输入 ...
1.Open the Microsoft edge browser ,Click the"More"icon in the upper right corner >"Settings". 2.Click"Start, home and new tabs",select open there pages, and then click Add a new page. 3. Enter the address url and clickAdd.
I have tested on my side, I could use the following registry to add Microsoft as my home page in Microsoft Edge. Route: Computer\**HKEY_CURRENT_USER\**Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge...
Get speed, security, and privacy with the new Microsoft Edge. Try it now InMicrosoft Edge, selectSettings and more>Settings, and then scroll down toSet your homepage. In the drop-down menu, selectA specific page, enter the URL of the homepage you want, then selectSave. Internet Explorer 1...
部署Microsoft Edge 配置Microsoft Edge 使用Microsoft Edge 企业版功能 Microsoft Edge 商业版 Microsoft Edge 管理服务 Microsoft Edge 工作区 适用于虚拟化桌面基础结构的 Microsoft Edge 配置和试验 企业版新选项卡页面 身份支持和配置 Microsoft Edge 和企业状态漫游 ...
Enabled -> used the same URL as above in "configure home page url" Now, I'm testing this for EDGE these days... and it works like this: when I open EDGE 1st time, it loads the configured page... great!!! when I open a new tab... or open another EDGE window, it opens with...
Note: This topic is for the new Microsoft Edge. Get help forthe legacy version of Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer 11 In the top corner of Internet Explorer, selectTools, and then selectInternet options. On theGeneraltab, underHome page, enter the URL of the site you want to set as a...
Microsoft Edge has built-in tools like Collections, vertical tabs and tab groups that help you stay organized and make the most of your time online.
HomepageIsNewTabPage Set the new tab page as the home page HomepageLocation Configure the home page URL NewTabPageAllowedBackgroundTypes Configure the background types allowed for the new tab page layout NewTabPageAppLauncherEnabled Hide App Launcher on Microsoft Edge new tab page NewTabPageBingCha...
Settings Edge | Extension Page GoodSet This extension allows you to go to the settings of Microsoft Edge with just one click. One click settings shortcuts for Microsoft Edge. Open the Settings with just one click. How can you change default home can see default home page sett...