To read more about Reddit Enhancement Suite, please visit NOTE: Reddit Enhancement Suite is developed independently, and is not officially endorsed by or affiliated with Reddit.显示更多 无用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 尚无人评价此扩展。抢先添加评价。 详细信息版本5.24.7已...
今年4月,曾有Reddit用户发帖爆料称,自己发现Edge浏览器会将用户访问的每一个地址都发送给必应API。 也就是说,无论用户是否将Edge设置为“允许微软收集信息用于广告目的”,都可能面临着泄露隐私的风险。 据了解,这项功能本来是用于提醒创作者关注新通知的,例如YouTube、Reddit网站等。 然而似乎是因为存在异常,在实际...
可以在 Microsoft Edge 的边栏中打开此扩展。通过在边栏中打开扩展,可以在并行视图中浏览和访问扩展。描述 Replace YouTube comments with Reddit comments or view the Reddit comments of any web page. By default YouTube comments will be replaced with the relevant Reddit comments. ...
I spent an hour or so this afternoon reading theEdge Team's July 14th "Ask Me Anything" transcripton Reddit. The transcript is long -- 2,700 comments and counting -- but it is fascinating. The Edge Team's comments are highlighted with a blue tag, and so they are easy to pick ou...
The Microsoft Edge developer team has heldan AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Reddit today, and the company's engineers have revealed some of their plans on various current or upcoming features. The biggest tease the company dropped was its apparent willingness to release an Edge version for ...
Based on the invaluable code by Reddit user u/co_init_ex I created a Windhawk mod, which might be more convenient to install for some. It is available here: ( The original code by u/co_init_ex is ...
01. 新标签页自定义背景 在 Edge 浏览器中打开一个新的标签页时,标签页默认会使用一张来自必应「...
即使是最新版的Edge也没有。根据开发者网站上面的情况,要求增加Event source特性的提案在2015年就进入...
Microsoft is investigating an issue with its Edge browser that is leaking the sites you visit to Bing. A new creator follow feature appears to have some privacy issues.
But if you weren’t able to get any E2P&ABIT lessons for free, have you perhaps watched a YouTube video by Optima Train, or perhaps come across this instructor’s thoughts on Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, Github, Reddit, or some other platform? Or have you perhaps even taken one of Optim...