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WebView2 enables you to host web content using the latest Microsoft Edge browser and web technology. Summary 展开表 MembersDescription BrowserProcessId Gets the process ID of the browser process that hosts the WebView. CanGoBack true if the WebView is able to navigate to a previous page in...
Recent files show files have been accessed today within minutes of this message. I have not accessed these files in most cases in months and in some cases...
Updated security baseline for Microsoft Edge v128You can now deploy the Intune security baseline for Microsoft Edge version 128. This update brings support for recent settings so you can continue to maintain best-practice configurations for Microsoft Edge.View the default configuration of settings in...
If you're like me and have been waiting eagerly for the newest tweaks and features in Microsoft Edge, then today's your day! Microsoft's just announced their latestEdge Dev Build 117.0.2024.1for the Edge Insiders, and we do have some neat stuff to discuss. Here's a dive into what this...