要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕主页/ 无障碍工具/ Read Aloud: 文本语音朗读助理 Read Aloud: 文本语音朗读助理特别推荐 LSD Software (100)400,000+ 个用户 无障碍工具 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容描述 厌倦了坐着,厌倦了阅读? 单击按钮,跳到床上,然后...
Translate text or pages into 80+ languages (40 of which can be read aloud) Use Immersive Reader to customize your experience depending on how you like to read, and minimize distractions along the way. Check outthis videoto learn more about Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge. ...
厌倦了坐着,厌倦了阅读? 单击按钮,跳到床上,然后大声朗读文章。 支持PDF。 许多现有的文本到语音扩展要求您选择要读取的文本,真是太痛苦了! 一些流行的甚至不起作用。 所以我为自己创建了一个,并且我按照我想要的方式使它工作:一次点击它应该找出自己阅读的内容。
Microsoft適用於 iOS 和 Android 的 Edge 不會取用使用者在其裝置上為原生瀏覽器設定的設定,因為適用於 iOS 和 Android 的 Edge 無法存取這些設定。當您訂閱 Enterprise Mobility + Security 套件時,可以使用Microsoft 365 數據最豐富且最廣泛的保護功能,其中包括 Microsoft Intune 和 Microsoft Entra ID P1 或 P2...
Microsoft Edge 与 WebView2 之间的区别 为WebView2 设置开发环境 平台和示例 导航、事件和身份验证 自定义和 UI Web 和本机互操作 分发版和 SDK 版本 最佳做法 WebView2 应用的测试和自动化 调试WebView2 应用 进程和线程模型 用户数据和历史记录
Cast in Microsoft Edge lets you display your media to another screen using Google Cast. To access Cast, open Settings and more (...) > More tools > Cast media to device. Cast relies on the Media Router extension not automatically installed with Microsoft Edge. When you first use Cast, ...
Tip:If you don’t see the Immersive Reader icon in the address bar, you can still view the text in Immersive Reader. Just select the text you want to read, right-click, and selectOpen in Immersive Readerfrom the context menu. Read Aloud in Microsoft Edge ...
The Read Aloud feature in Microsoft Edge is not limited to the desktop app alone; it is also available on Android and iPhone. Here’s how to use it. Step 1:Open Microsoft Edge on your Android or iPhone. Navigate to the webpage that you want the browser to read aloud. ...
The Read Aloud mode in Edge has suddenly stopped showing me any of the online-only voices. I can now only select from the Windows 10 built-in...
Microsoft Edge Read aloud: Now with PDF support Greetings Insiders, Many people use the Read aloud feature in Microsoft Edge as a daily driver. It is super convenient to just pop in an earbud and listen to content while doing something else. Not just that, Read aloud helps auditory and vis...