厭倦了坐著,厭倦了閱讀? 單擊按鈕,跳到床上,然後大聲朗讀文章。 支持PDF。 許多現有的文本到語音擴展要求您選擇要讀取的文本,真是太痛苦了! 一些流行的甚至不起作用。 所以我為自己創建了一個,並且我按照我想要的方式使它工作:一次點擊它應該找出自己閱讀的內容。
厌倦了坐着,厌倦了阅读? 单击按钮,跳到床上,然后大声朗读文章。 支持PDF。 许多现有的文本到语音扩展要求您选择要读取的文本,真是太痛苦了! 一些流行的甚至不起作用。 所以我为自己创建了一个,并且我按照我想要的方式使它工作:一次点击它应该找出自己阅读的内容。
If text-to-speech is available in your language, you can adjust voice settings to change reader voices and speeds when using audible features like Read Aloud in Immersive Reader. You can also download voice packages, connect a microphone for spe...
自109 版起Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述設定原則會指派Microsoft Edge 可以委派的伺服器。 使用逗號分隔多個伺服器名稱。 允許使用通配符 *。讓原則保持未設定,表示即使偵測到伺服器為內部網路,Microsoft Edge 也不會委派用戶認證。支援的功能:動態原則重新整理:是 每個配置檔:否...
自版本 109 起的 Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述除非RestoreOnStartup 策略设置为从以前的会话中永久还原 URL,否则设置 CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls 可让你创建 URL 模式列表,以指定可以和不能为一个会话设置 Cookie 的网站。取消设置策略会导致对所有网站使用 DefaultCookiesSetting(如果已设置)。 如果没有,则应用用户...
the top of the page after you start Read Aloud. The toolbar includes buttons to play audio, skip to the next or previous paragraph, and adjust Voice options. Voice options allow you to change the reader's voice and slow down or speed ...
the top of the page after you start Read Aloud. The toolbar includes buttons to play audio, skip to the next or previous paragraph, and adjust Voice options. Voice options allow you to change the reader's voice and slow down or speed ...
A ribbon toolbar appears at the top of the page after you start Read Aloud. The toolbar includes buttons to play audio, skip to the next or previous paragraph, and adjust Voice options. Voice options allow you to change...
Open your document in Microsoft Edge. Right-click (or press and hold) and select Read aloud or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + U to start the narration. Select Voice options in the toolbar to adjust the speech pace or change the narrator’s voice, tailoring the reading experienc...
How to Change Read Aloud's Speed By default, Microsoft Edge's Read Aloud speed is set to normal, but you can speed this up or slow it down. To do so, click onVoice options, then drag the slider to select your desired reading speed on the scale. ...