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Edge for Tablet Hello, i don't know if this is the right place for this, but on tablet the microsoft edge image of the day is not showing and there is no option like on the phone or computer to be able to display i...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (1 Replies)Show Parent R...
Feb 09, 2021 Edge for Tablet Hello, i don't know if this is the right place for this, but on tablet the microsoft edge image of the day is not showing and there is no option like on the phone or computer to be able to display it ... it's very disappointing... Reply Alexandra-...
Amazon has recently added Trending section in the Silk browser which will allow its users to get the latest news. This Trending news section is now powered by Microsoft News, a news engine that powers MSN.com, Microsoft News mobile apps, Edge start page and more. Microsoft News curates news...
Of course, even in “tablet mode”, users can enjoy Windows 10 features such as Snap Assist, Task View and Action Center. On touch-enabled devices, customers have access to touch-friendly invocations for those features: they can swipe in from the left edge to bring up Task View, or swipe...
AllowAddressBarDropdown Specify whether to allow the address bar drop-down functionality in Microsoft Edge. If you want to minimize network connections from Microsoft Edge to Microsoft services, we recommend disabling this functionality. ✅ AllowAutofill Specify whether autofill on websites is allowed...
There are more issues than what I show during tablet mode. Usually UWP app start with an start-up screen, But with new Edge, once you open it. the screen will return to the previously app, and wait for edge to load and then shows up edge. Also there are signifi...
Two problems/strange things on edge android canary for tablet : - microsoft and image of the day is a great story of love, but on tablet, we can't have image on the new tab ? Why ? it's the only device where we can't have it !
Cutting Edge: Nested Grids for Hierarchical Data OPENXML, XSLT Keys, Select versus Match, XPath, and More Advanced Basics: Enterprise Services, SQL Script Editing Basic Instincts: Deploying Assemblies .NET Column: More on Generics in the CLR Getting a Menu Handle, Declaring GetParam, Filtering Fi...
Connect Windows 10 to Windows 7 on network Connected Device Platform Service Connected Device Platform service and new user profile folder "defaultuser100000" Connection onecs-live.azureedge.net when opening Windows 10 System settings Constant Event 1001 BEX64 ContentDeliveryManager Error Control Panel ...