1) 打开新版Edge,在地址栏中输入“edge://flags”并回车;2) 搜索“edge-reading-view”,将该Flag设置为启用;3) 重新启动Edge浏览器,此时地址栏右侧会多出一个“阅读模式”图标,点击即可进入阅读模式
使用全新 Microsoft Edge 获取速度、安全和隐私。 立即试用 Microsoft Edge 中的阅读列表可供你保存文章或你以后想阅读的其他内容,方便你随时随地阅读,无论是在公共汽车上,还是在周末。使用 Microsoft 帐户登录时,你将在所有 Windows 10 设备上看到阅读列表。
Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版,现已推出 Intel 首款搭载全新英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra 处理器 (Series 2) 的 Surface Windows 11 AI+ PC 重磅登场。 关注Microsoft 企业 Microsoft Cloud Microsoft 安全 Azure Dynamics 365 Microsoft 365 Microsoft Advertising ...
Microsoft Edge will start at the beginning and highlight each word as it goes along. You can control the reading speed and choose your favorite voice via the "Voice options" menu from the toolbar at the top of the page. You can also play/pause the reading and skip ahead/go back a ...
Existing OS and hardware eligible devices do not get the ACME certificate unless they re-enroll. There is no change to the end user's enrollment experience, and no changes to the Microsoft Intune admin center. This change only impacts enrollment certificates and has no impact on any device ...
The PDF reader, built into Microsoft Edge, comes with the basic reading and navigation features, as Zoom, Rotate, Fit to page/width, jump to page, and search, among others. They can be accessed through a pin-able toolbar at the top of PDF content. This section gives an overview of ...
but automatic suggestions are turned off and info about websites you visit is not collected. Microsoft Edge will delete your browsing history, cookies, and site data, as well as passwords, addresses, and form data when you close all InPrivate windows. You can start a new In...
若要快速安全地测试扩展,请将扩展旁加载到你自己的 Microsoft Edge 副本中,这意味着在本地安装扩展。 然后,可以运行并测试扩展,而无需将扩展上传到 Microsoft Edge 外接程序网站 (应用商店) 然后从那里安装扩展。先决条件:具有要安装的扩展本文假定本地驱动器包含要加载的扩展,例如 MicrosoftEdge-Extensions 存储库...
Also, the ability for Edge Bar to start automatically when starting a Windows 10 device is enabled again, the Close "X" icon was moved below the ellipsis menu at the bottom right corner of Edge Bar, and Copilot in Edge remains within the browser not in Edge Bar. Note: These features ...
For more information, visitEnter Reading view with Immersive Reader in Microsoft Edge. Tip:If you don’t see the Immersive Reader icon in the address bar, you can still view the text in Immersive Reader. Just select the text you want to read, right-click, and selectOpen in Immersi...