Easily open all your favorites at one time in the new Microsoft Edge. In Microsoft Edge, selectSettings and more>Favorites. In theFavoriteswindow, right-clickFavorites bar. ChooseOpen all, orOpen all in new window, orOpen all in new InPrivate window. Note: This ...
在最新 Microsoft Edge中,您可以選擇何時隱藏我的最愛列。 方法如下: 選取[設定及其他],然後選取[設定]。 選取[外觀]。 在[自訂工具列]下的[顯示我的最愛列]中,執行下列其中一個動作: 要關閉 [我的最愛列] ,請選取[永不]。 要僅在新索引標籤中顯示我的最愛列,請選取[僅在新索引標籤上]。
原則名稱標題 EdgeDisableDialProtocolForCastDiscovery 停用CAST 裝置探索的 DIAL 通訊協定 EnableMediaRouter 啟用Google Cast ShowCastIconInToolbar 在工具列中顯示投射圖示憑證管理設定原則名稱標題 CACertificateManagementAllowed 允許使用者管理已安裝的 CA 憑證。 CACertificates 應由Microsoft Edge 信任的 TLS 伺服器...
Microsoft has announced a new improvement that soon comes to the Edge browser. It will allow you to open your bookmarks always in a new tab. You will find the new option in Settings, in its Appearance section. It's a toggle inedge://settings/appearanceright under "Show favorites bar". ...
Pinned tabs in Microsoft Edge Pinned tabs always appear at the start of the tab row, and only show the site’s icon. Pinned tabs that are in your Microsoft Edge window when you close the app will come back the next time you open Microsoft Edge. ...
Computer Configuration\ Administrative Templates\ Microsoft Edge Navigating to the settings Double-click on the setting named “Enable favorites bar” and it will open up in another window. Now change the toggle option fromNot ConfiguredtoDisabled. ...
ClearBrowsingDataOnExit Microsoft Edge の終了時に閲覧データを消去するかどうかを指定します。 ✅ ConfigureAdditionalSearchEngines MDM に登録されたデバイス用の検索エンジンを最大 5 つ追加できます。 ✅ ✅ ✅ ConfigureFavoritesBar [お気に入り] バーをすべてのページに表示するか非表示...
BUG REPORT There seems to be an issue with the latest version of Edge Dev that affects the display of favorites on the Favorites Bar. Specifically, I have opted to display some of my favorites as... same here, we must be the only ones!🙂...
ClearBrowsingDataOnExit Specify whether to clear browsing data when exiting Microsoft Edge. ✅ ConfigureAdditionalSearchEngines Allows you to add up to five more search engines for MDM-enrolled devices. ✅ ✅ ✅ ConfigureFavoritesBar Specify whether the Favorites bar is shown or hidden on all...
Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.The Favorites, Favorites Bar, and Feeds page of the...