浏览历史记录包括已访问过的站点、密码、已输入到表单中的信息以及 Cookie。 浏览数据存储在设备上,如果已打开同步,浏览数据也可以存储在 Microsoft 云中,以便在登录的 Microsoft Edge 版本中进行同步。 若要在新 Microsoft Edge中查看浏览历史记录,请选择“设置和其他>历史记录”>“打开历史记录”页。
可以查看和清除存储在单个设备上、跨所有同步设备以及云中的 Microsoft Edge 浏览历史记录。 你可以随时选择清除浏览历史记录。 清除设备上存储的浏览数据 若要清除浏览数据的 Microsoft Edge ,请首先决定是仅删除当前使用设备上的数据,还是跨所有同步设备删除数据。 若仅要在当前使用...
Microsoft Edge 会记住你的信息,方便你返回到常用站点或填写表单信息。 除非使用InPrivate 窗口,否则你的浏览历史记录(包括密码、在窗体中输入的信息、访问的站点等)也会被存储。 大部分此类信息仅存储在个人电脑上,但如果你使用 Cortana,则一些信息也存储在云中,以便 Cortana 及时地为你提供个人建议和协助。
You can choose to have the Microsoft Edge delete some information like your search history and cookies but keep other information like saved passwords and data used to autofill forms. It’s entirely up to you. Once you’ve made your decision, click the blue “Clear now” button. ...
1 When the slider for “Show new searches here” is toggled off you existing searches aren’t deleted, but no new information is saved to your search history until you switch it back on. If you’re using Microsoft Edge as your browser, you can delete the history from your search bar ...
How to Clear Microsoft Edge History 3播放 · 总弹幕数02022-04-02 11:30:19 主人,未安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以… 下载Flash插件 点赞 投币收藏分享 稿件投诉 未经作者授权,禁止转载 New River Community and Technical College 英语学习 英语 知识 校园学习 大学 学习 教育 YOUTUBE 高中 出国留...
First, to delete history, open Microsoft Edge, typically found on the taskbar. At the top right of Microsoft Edge, there are three dots as an icon near the top of the screen - this is the More actions menu. At the bottom of the menu, there is an option for settings. Select ...
You have the flexibility to set a custom period through the options page, as well as define the zone for which you wish to delete the history data. For a more thorough cleaning experience, try out my eCleaner: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/forget-button-clean-you/lk...
You can also delete your search query history (end-user opt out), from Bing. See Suggested searches based on your search history in Find what you need with Microsoft Search.To delete history data from both Microsoft Edge and the server, for an individual suggestion result, in the list in ...
You can also delete your search query history (end-user opt out), from Bing. See Suggested searches based on your search history in Find what you need with Microsoft Search.To delete history data from both Microsoft Edge and the server, for an individual suggestion result, in the list in ...