通过查阅一些资料得知Microsoft Edge像IE和chrome是有自己的webdriver的,既然有wevbdriver 那就好办了。 1.首先找驱动: 官网下载地址:https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/ 打开这个网址后,我们要根据自己电脑的操作系统版本来决定下载哪个版本的webdriver 如果webdriver跟操作系统不匹配,...
点击进,我这里是64位的,所以下载的如下文件: 下载完成之后,把解压出来的文件msedgedriver.exe放置Microsoft Edge浏览器安装目录即可,如下: 3、小案例 创建一个springboot项目,在pom.xml引入selenium包 1 <dependency> 2 <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> 3 <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> 4 <...
首先创建一个文件夹,命名为edgeExt。在这个文件夹里,新建一个manifest.json 文件,写入如下代码:...
A couple weeks ago I was on version 118 for both Edge/Driver and my Selenium code worked. It would bring up Edge, log in the user, maximize the window, navigate, etc. Last monday Edge was updated to version 119 and it no longer worked. I updated the Edge Driver to match. It still...
我必须自动化一个案例,在这个案例中我必须使用 Selenium WebDriver 和跨浏览器下载文件。我已经为 Chrome(通过ChromeOptions)、FF(通过FirefoxProfile)和 IE11 这样做了。例如,在 Firefox 中,我使用Firefox Profile抑制下载提示,如下所示:profile.setPreference("browser.download.dir", "C:\\DownloadCleanup");...
我在脚本中使用带有Python3的(Chromium)。driveroptions.add_argument('--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs') driveroptions.add_argument('--user-data-dir=D:\\Selenium_Edge_Chromium_UserData", "--disable-infobars", "--start-maximized", "--auto-open-de ...
Find Selenium Objects - id, name and custom attributes highlighted in different colors for easier test automation Spot all the available id, name and custom attributes- highlighted in different colors for web automation using Selenium WebDriver. This Microsoft Edge extension - SOF, helps to find all...
, and for users that have not yet had a chance to upgrade. However, there will be no further activity on issues or pull requests. The@EdgeDevToolsteam will continue to work with the Selenium project to contribute future Microsoft Edge Driver features and bug fixes directly to Selenium 4....
2.Download the correct Microsoft WebDriver server version for your OS build. 3.Preferably, use the latest version of Selenium (version 3.0 and above) Download MicrosoftWebDriver Follow the steps given below to download Microsoft Edge Driver – ...
EdgeOptions options = new EdgeOptions(); C# 如何设置一些配置设置? 如:若要关闭 Microsoft Edge WebDriver 的诊断数据收集,请将 MSEDGEDRIVER_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT 环境变量设置为 1 EdgeDriver driver = new EdgeDriver(options); 怎么才能不让浏览器弹出...Show...