Microsoft Edge by the Chromium在四月初发布了预览版,分为Canary Channel的日更版本和Dev Channel的周更版本。 在用其作为主力浏览器至今的将近一个月内,我对其的各个方面都非常满意,如果你不满国产浏览器的臃肿与侵犯,又对Chrome无法在大陆简单地使用而有些不爽,那么这款微软发布的基于Chromium内核的新Edge浏览器...
扩展稳定版更新在软件库中的“Microsoft Edge”产品类别下分发,类似于稳定版、Beta 版和开发频道的现有更新。 但是,与适用于其自己的浏览器应用程序的 Beta 和 Dev 不同,扩展稳定更新适用于 Microsoft Edge Stable 应用程序。 因此,Windows 更新客户端要确定应用稳定更新还是扩展稳定更新,它会检查“目标通道替代”组...
The new Microsoft Edge is here and now available to download on all supported versions of Windows, macOS, iOS and Android. Download Edge develop-extensions Develop extensions for Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge is built on Chromium and provides the best-in-class extension and web compatibility. Lea...
LinkedAccountEnabled 原則在 Microsoft Edge 134 版中也已過時。 Microsoft Bing 中的搜尋取代和原則更新。 Microsoft Bing 中的搜尋, 上可用的工作搜尋體驗將會淘汰,因此可用性的最後一天是 2025 年 3 月 31 日。 AddressBarMicrosoftSearchInBingProviderEnabled 原則,用來在商務用 Edge 網址列中設定 Bing...
Microsoft Edge Dev - Want to be one of the first to preview what’s new? The Microsoft Edge preview channels are now available for mobile! This is the Microsoft Edge Dev channel...
Microsoft Edge Chromium for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 supports almost all the features that are available on Windows 10 and Mac. Edge Dev is updated weekly; they come out on Tuesdays. The Edge Beta channel which receives updates every six weeks should become available for the older operating syste...
What’s New in the DevTools Check out the latest features in the Microsoft Edge DevTools. Learn moreWatch video dev-resources Developer resources Tools, references, guides and more Discover the tools that will help you to build better websites. Scan your site with WebHint, check the accessibilit...
CoPilot said I could enable the extensions again using either the Edge Dev or Canary channel, so I tried the Beta and Dev channel. Beta with and Dev both with and without importing my data from the normal Edge browser, but neither did anything, since all unverified extensions are still ...
而就在昨天,微软更是发布了新版Microsoft Edge Dev通道的83.0.478.5版本,不仅完善了原有的功能,而且还引入5项新功能! 其实,大白菜本来也没想过要使用新版Edge浏览器,虽然知道新版Edge并不差,有些功能也确实不错,也调查过相关的资料。 但是,在Chrome用得好好的情况下,大白菜为什么要去用一个可能有漏洞的改版浏览...