只需点击一下,即可使用免费的 Microsoft 365 网页应用(如 Word、Excel 和 PowerPoint),还能同时浏览 Microsoft Edge 网页内容。2 扫描以获取 Edge 应用 Download on the App StoreDownload on the App Store AI 驱动的移动端浏览 探索一种快速且安全的方式,让您随时随地浏览、购物并实现更多目标。立即下载适用于 ...
本文將說明 Microsoft Edge 的發行步調和預期的發行排程。發行頻率Microsoft 提供四個選項,稱為通道,用來管理更新 Microsoft Edge 以加上新功能的頻率。 如需有關我們的通道、其發行週期和支援層級的詳細資訊,請參閱通道概觀。從穩定通道版本 94 開始,Microsoft Edge 會移至 4 週的主要發行週期頻率。 不過,我們...
雖然我們會繼續支援最新版本的 Internet Explorer 和舊版的 Microsoft Edge,但支援有限,建議您使用新的 Microsoft Edge 瀏覽器。 雲端App 安全性 165、166、167 和 168 版 發行於 2020 年 2 月 16 日 使用Microsoft Defender ATP 新增封鎖未批准的應用程式 雲端App 安全性 已擴充其與 Microsoft Defender Advanced...
These release notes provide information about new features and non-security updates that are included in Current Channel updates for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Microsoft 365 Apps for business, and the subscription versions of the desktop apps for Project and Visi...
Plan for Microsoft Edge Schedule, Known issues, Release notes Release schedule Microsoft Edge known issues Beta Channel Release Notes Beta Channel archived release notes Stable Channel Release Notes Stable Channel archived release notes Mobile Beta Channel Release Notes ...
方塊方塊https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052807333-Box-officially-supports-the-new-Microsoft-Edge-Browser CISCOWebRTChttps://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/conferencing/ciscoMeetingApps/WebRTC_important_info/Release_Notes_CMA_webRTC_latest.pdf ...
Microsoft Edge for Business Help for professionals Support for business Microsoft Edge Beta only. 1:1 help is available to get you the level of support you need. Submit a request App Assure Issues with your business apps or websites on the latest version of Microsoft Edge? Microsoft will help...
The new Microsoft Edge isnowout of preview andavailablefor download,withtoday’s release of our first Stable channel build(Microsoft Edge 79 stable).You candownload the new Microsoft Edge today atmicrosoft.com/edge. In this post, we’ll walk through what you can expect now thatthe new Edge...