自109 版起Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述設定原則會指派Microsoft Edge 可以委派的伺服器。 使用逗號分隔多個伺服器名稱。 允許使用通配符 *。讓原則保持未設定,表示即使偵測到伺服器為內部網路,Microsoft Edge 也不會委派用戶認證。支援的功能:動態原則重新整理:是 每個配置檔:否...
自版本 109 起的 Microsoft Edge (Android) 描述除非RestoreOnStartup 策略设置为从以前的会话中永久还原 URL,否则设置 CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls 可让你创建 URL 模式列表,以指定可以和不能为一个会话设置 Cookie 的网站。取消设置策略会导致对所有网站使用 DefaultCookiesSetting(如果已设置)。 如果没有,则应用用...
It really would be so much help to users if you would return to the "last tab used" when closing a "current tab", rather than just hitting the next tab back... there could be 10 tabls open and I woul...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (6 Replies)Show Parent ...
在Xbox 主机上以 Microsoft Edge 浏览其他网页时遇到问题?了解如何关闭恶意标签页,以便能继续浏览 Internet。
It really would be so much help to users if you would return to the "last tab used" when closing a "current tab", rather than just hitting the next tab...
获取 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Undo Closed Tab Button add-on allows you to undo closed tabs via a toolbar popup. To work with this addon, simply open the toolbar popup and click on the desired tab to open. By default, 25 items are shown in the popup, but you can change this from ...
PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled 如果启用任何 Edge 设置以在 Microsoft Edge 关闭时删除浏览数据,则防止删除密码 PasswordGeneratorEnabled 允许用户在每次联机创建帐户时获取强密码建议 PasswordManagerBlocklist 配置将禁用密码管理器 UI (保存和填充) 的域列表 PasswordManagerEnabled 允许将密码保存到密码管理器 Password...
How to Restore “Close All Tabs” Warning in Microsoft Edge Open the Registry Editor. Copy and paste the following path into the Registry Editor’s address bar to quickly jump to the “Main” key. Then double-click the DWORD AskToCloseAllTabs on the right pane. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software...
GP name: AllowClearingBrowsingDataOnExit GP path: Windows Components/Microsoft Edge GP ADMX file name: MicrosoftEdge.admx MDM settings MDM name: Browser/ClearBrowsingDataOnExit Supported devices: Desktop URI full path: ./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Browser/ClearBrowsingDataOnExit Data type: Integer Regis...
1,000+ 个用户 高效工作 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Hide Tabs (Panic Button) is an addon that lets you easily hide and restore all tabs. To hide (close) all tabs, please press on the toolbar icon once. Next time when you click on the toolbar button again, all hidden tabs ar...