明確設定 textprediction 為true 或false 的網站可以改為設定 writingsuggestions 為相同的值。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱在 HTML 規格中 撰寫建議。 惡意代碼封鎖程式。 Microsoft Edge 中的惡意代碼軟體封鎖程式是您的 AI 技術防護,其設計目的是要保護您和您的使用者免於遭受惡意代碼攻擊。 啟用后,惡意代碼封鎖程式會...
Microsoft Edge lets you preview your autofill data for all suggestions within the same dropdown itself, making it easier to choose the right address to fill. To help you quickly select the autofill suggestion, the value corresponding to the field currently in focus is highlighted in the ...
明確設定 textprediction 為true 或false 的網站可以改為設定 writingsuggestions 為相同的值。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱在 HTML 規格中 撰寫建議。 惡意代碼封鎖程式。 Microsoft Edge 中的惡意代碼軟體封鎖程式是您的 AI 技術防護,其設計目的是要保護您和您的使用者免於遭受惡意代碼攻擊。 啟用后,惡意代碼封鎖程式會...
AllowSearchSuggestionsinAddressBar 指定地址栏中是否允许搜索建议。 ✅ ✅ ✅ AllowSideloadingOfExtensions 指定是否可以在 Microsoft Edge 中旁加载扩展。 ✅ AllowSmartScreen 指定是否允许 Windows Defender SmartScreen。 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ AllowTabPreloading 指定是否允许在 Windows 登录期间预加载“开始”和...
When you’re searching for something, Microsoft Edge can give suggestions about what you’re searching for. To turn on this feature, selectSettings and more>Settings>Privacy, search, and services>Address bar and search, and turn onShow me search and site suggestions using my ty...
In Microsoft Edge, go toSettings and more>Settings. SelectView advanced settings. Turn any of theseoff: Use page prediction to speed up browsing, improve reading, and make my overall experience better Show search and site suggestions as I type ...
Occasionally suggestions are wrong as the app sometimes misjudges the context Only one language is available ❓ How to install Visit the Microsoft Store, search for Grammarly and click the “Get” button Open the Edge browser and you’ll see a message saying a new extension has been installed...
1. Open Microsoft Edge, click on triple dots ( ··· ) at top right corner, and select Settings.2. Then switch to Privacy & security section.3. Under Privacy, turn On or Off the option Show search and site suggestions as I type to enable or disable the site and search suggestions ...
2025年1月25日 垃圾玩意,一用edge就崩溃 这对你有帮助吗? | A Administrator 2024年7月15日 少给一颗星以示鼓励 这个扩展在国内需要配置才好用,给国内新手用户指条路: github.com/lifegpc/clearUrls 这对你有帮助吗? 是否 | 报告为垃圾邮件或滥用 ...
Turn offShow me search and site suggestions using my typed characters. At first, you need to open the Microsoft Edge browser on your computer. After that, click theSettings and morebutton, which looks like a three-dotted icon, and it is visible at the top-right corner. From here, click...