Microsoft Edge 是为 Bing 打造的卓越浏览器 Microsoft Edge 旨在增强您的必应搜索体验,提供更快、更智能、更量身定制的结果。体验必应与 Edge 之间的无缝集成,Edge 是专为优化 AI 驱动的搜索体验而构建的浏览器。 了解更多信息 ai-innovations 利用AI 增强您的浏览能力 ...
When you use InPrivate browsing or guest mode, Microsoft Edge collects some info about how you use the browser depending on your Windows diagnostic data setting or Microsoft Edge privacy settings, but automatic suggestions are turned off and info about websites you visit is not collected. Microsof...
Resize Browser Window is an addon that lets you resize and reposition the current window to your desired preference. To work with this addon, open the toolbar popup and click on the desired layout (size & position). Once you click a layout, the window will be positioned and resized to th...
A while ago, about two months ago roughly. I had accidently closed one of a few Microsoft Edge Browser Windows. I know that Edge has a recovery option but in my case the browser window was accidently closed; on top of that, disk space is low on the computer; for now. ...
使用此設定可讓 Microsoft Edge 在 Windows 登入期間、系統閑置,以及每次關閉 Microsoft Edge 時預先啟動。 啟動前可將啟動 Microsoft Edge 所需的時間降到最低。 在[防止預先啟動 ] 和 [ 允許預先啟動] 之間選取。 FavoriteBarItems 使用 將專案新增至 Microsoft Edge 中的 [我的最愛列]。 輸入項目的名稱,然後...
Microsoft Edge provides additional configuration options in the Settings and more menu (the ellipsis at the top right). This opens a window where some of the options that display are: New InPrivate window.Browse sites with additional privacy. This topic is covered in more depth later...
在所有设备中使用 Edge 浏览网页 轻松地在所有设备(Windows、macOS、iOS 或 Android)之间同步您的密码、收藏夹和设置。 1电池续航时间会因设置、使用情况和其他因素而有所差异。 2需要访问 Internet,可能会产生费用。 *功能可用性和功能特性可能因设备类型、市场和浏览器版本的不同而有所差异。
PasswordDeleteOnBrowserCloseEnabled 如果已啟用任何 Edge 設定,在 Edge 關閉時刪除瀏覽資料,請防止刪除密碼Microsoft PasswordGeneratorEnabled 允許使用者在線上建立帳戶時,取得強式密碼建議 PasswordManagerBlocklist 設定會停用密碼管理員 UI ([儲存與填滿]) 的網域清單 PasswordManagerEnabled 啟用將密碼儲存到密碼管理員...
1.在Microsoft Edge浏览器软件主界面里我们点击界面右上角的“...”图标,会出现菜单栏选项,如下图所示,我们找到“扩展”选项,然后进入下一步。 2.点击扩展后,我们就进入到下图中的界面,我们可以看到浏览器上已经安装的插件,如果还需要添加安装插件的话,我们再点击“从应用商店获取扩展”选项。
Microsoft Edge has built-in tools like Collections, vertical tabs and tab groups that help you to stay organised and make the most of your time online.