Reader View扩展程序可消除网页上的混乱情况,以增强其可读性。该扩展使用Mozilla的Readability库作为引擎来提供 如果您使用的是Firefox浏览器,也会获得类似的体验。 安装后,将一个按钮添加到浏览器的工具栏区域。按下此按钮一次,以“读者视图”模式打开当前页面。 在阅读器查看模式下,您会注意到按钮的颜色将变为橙色。
Microsoft Edge helps you stay protected while you browse by blocking phishing and malware attacks. Learn more gaming Use the best browser for gaming Thanks to cloud gaming optimizations like Clarity Boost, a memory-saving efficiency mode, and support for popular themes and extensions, Microsoft Edg...
Edge不仅是浏览器,还拥有文档阅读器功能,未来还会集成更多功能,微软想要构筑强大的Edge生态平台,而不是零零散散各自为战,就像Chrome OS一样,只需一个浏览器即可。为鼓励用户在Edge浏览器来查看PDF文档,微软官方宣布,将在2018年2月停止“Reader”阅读器应用,砍掉当前和后续版本的阅读器应用,直接跳转至Edge浏览器。
原則名稱標題 ImmersiveReaderGrammarToolsEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 沈浸式閱讀程式 內啟用文法工具功能 (已過時) ImmersiveReaderPictureDictionaryEnabled 在Microsoft Edge 中啟用 沈浸式閱讀程式 內的圖片字典功能 (已過時) kiosk 模式設定原則名稱標題 KioskAddressBarEditingEnabled 針對kiosk 模式公開瀏覽體驗設定網址列...
Get the most out of your browsing experience with Microsoft Edge, a fast and secure browser with world class performance, built-in privacy, and more.
Get the most out of your browsing experience with Microsoft Edge, a fast and secure browser with world class performance, built-in privacy, and more.
Microsoft Edge has built-in tools like Collections, vertical tabs and tab groups that help you to stay organised and make the most of your time online.
Microsoft Edge helps you stay protected while you browse by blocking phishing and malware attacks. Learn more gaming Use the best browser for gaming Thanks to cloud gaming optimizations like Clarity Boost, a memory-saving efficiency mode, and support for popular themes and extensions, Microsoft Edg...
01. 新标签页自定义背景 在 Edge 浏览器中打开一个新的标签页时,标签页默认会使用一张来自必应「...
(For Edge screen size) I normally use EDGE in Maximized mode and I size the "restore mode" at about 1/4 of my screen size. What is happening every so often is the EDGE browser application comes to full screen view, as in the entire screen is filled with my EDGE application but it'...