项目信息: https://www.stefanvd.net/project/font-size-increase/browser-extension 所需权限: ◆“contextMenus”:这是在网络浏览器上下文菜单中添加“增加此页面上的字体大小”菜单项。 ◆“activeTab”:允许在当前可见的标签页上使用增加字体大小的功能。 ◆ “存储”:将设置保存在本地并与您的网络浏览器...
在新的 Microsoft Edge ,您可以在使用沈浸式閱讀程式時自訂字型的外觀。 方法如下: 在Microsoft Edge 中,移至您要讀取的網站。 從網站的網址欄,選取輸入沉浸式閱讀程式。 如果您沒看到該選項,則該特定網站上不會提供沉浸式閱讀程式。 接下來,選取 文字喜好設定。 使用文字大小、文字間距和頁面主題下的選...
You can change the font size in the new Microsoft Edge SelectSettings and more>Settings>Appearance. UnderFonts, choose a font size. You can also customize the size and style of fonts used in Microsoft Edge by selectingCustomize fontson the same page. ...
与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Optimize browsing: Text zoom for readability, distraction-free reading mode, images hide for faster loading. Our browser extension revolutionizes your browsing experience by offering an array of powerful features: 🔍 Text Zoom: Enlarge text, scale text, change font size ef...
I can't open a PDF inthe browser using Microsoft Edge, I cant change the resolution on my second screen (Windows 10) i have bulk windows 10 keys and want to check is it valid or not I Hear Dialling Tone From My Computer I removed Win10 Built-In Apps for All Users, New Users...
開始使用 Microsoft Edge 規劃Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge 企業版藍圖 Microsoft Edge 功能的平台支援 規劃Microsoft Edge 部署 您環境中的 Microsoft Edge Microsoft 瀏覽器使用情況報告 準備好使用 Microsoft Edge 安裝適用於中國行動平台的 Microsoft Edge 行動裝置穩定通道版本資訊 行動裝置穩定通道封存的版本資訊 穩定...
#sticky { position: sticky; container-type: scroll-state; } @container scroll-state(stuck: top) { #sticky-child { font-size: 75%; } } CSS text-box、 text-box-trim、和 text-box-edge。 为了实现文本内容的最佳平衡, text-box-trim 和text-box-edge 属性以及 text-box 简写属性可以更精细地...
Microsoft joins the Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers - Microsoft Edge Blog Added Features: Added ARIA labels to the buttons on the main page in Import settings. Improved Behavior: Fixed an issue where the browser would crash in Copilot on Android. Changed Behavior: Fixed an issue where a...
Some browser channels have the checkbox label Enable new Font Editor tool within the Styles pane.See also:Edit CSS font styles and settings in the Styles pane Status:This checkbox is present in Microsoft Edge Canary 134. This checkbox is present in Microsoft Edge Stable 132....