Close the original "edge://favorites" tab. From now on, your favorites will always open in a new tab when you click on them. Note that this setting will only apply to favorites and not other links. If you want all links to open in new tabs, you can change the "Open links f...
让页面上的所有超链接都以新标签页的方式打开。 用户评价 排序方式 S SS 2024年8月3日 很遗憾,没有效果。 这对你有帮助吗? 是否 | 报告为垃圾邮件或滥用 响应来自 wowgogoing 2024年12月31日 你好,感谢你的反馈,麻烦你提供一下不生效的网址供我们问题排查可以吗?
If you're using an external mouse, just middle click on the bookmark to open in a new tab. (If you have a scroll wheel, clicking on this usually works as a middle click.)
If you always want to open links saved in the Favorites bar in the New Tab in the Edge browser, then Microsoft is testing a new “Always Open Favorites in New
Microsoft has announced a new improvement that soon comes to the Edge browser. It will allow you to open your bookmarks always in a new tab. You will find the new option in Settings, in its Appearance section. It's a toggle inedge://settings/appearanceright under "Show favorites bar". ...
這些版本資訊提供 Microsoft Edge 行動裝置穩定通道中包含的新功能和非安全性更新,可供公司或學校帳戶使用的相關資訊。若要了解 Microsoft Edge 通道,請參閱 Microsoft Edge 通道概觀。所有穩定通道安全性更新都列在 Microsoft Edge 安全性更新的版本資訊中。備註...
Move tab 新标签页(ChatGPT免费) (1.3K) Move Tab 支持全局自由拖拽,大小、颜色、搜索框提示词等修改,是超级自定义化新标签页扩展插件; 新标签页 (13) MrZhiin 自定义新标签页 XPage新标签页 (34) Yufeng Wu XPage新标签页,提供独创的完全自由的可扩展布局,可任意拖动、放置零件及各种图标;提供独创的搜索...
第一个网址: 简法主页-轻快上网体验 第二个网址: edge://newtab 这个主要是把“IE/Edge主页”里面的网址改为我们所需要的网址。可以的话最好把那些主页都点击锁定。 好了,我第一次分享也到此结束了。
update-latest What's new in Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge introduces exciting new features every month. Check out the latest features here. See new features year-in-review NEW Let's celebrate what made 2024 memorable Look back on how Edge users unlocked the power of AI, maximized their ...