Microsoft Dataverse 雲端儲存空間 ** DynamicsAX Excel Microsoft Translator Office 365 Outlook Office 365 使用者 Oracle Power BI SharePoint SQL 伺服器 Twitter**適用於 Azure Blob、Box、Dropbox、Google Drive、OneDrive 和企業版 OneDrive標準和自訂連接器Power Apps 為許多常用的資料來源提供 標準 連接器。 如...
Microsoft Dataverse 云存储 ** Dynamics AX Excel Microsoft Translator Office 365 Outlook Office 365 用户 Oracle Power BI SharePoint SQL Server Twitter** 适用于 Azure Blob、Box、Dropbox、Google Drive、OneDrive 和 OneDrive for Business标准和自定义连接器Power Apps 为许多常用数据源提供标准连接器。 如果...
Master Planning in Manufacturing using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations or AX 2012 R3 Model SCM Decision Making for Purchased Material using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations Models of SCM decision making using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations ...
PowerAppsFit Points de données internes et externes qui définissent les caractéristiques de l'entreprise. Le scoring d’ajustement utilise un modèle lookalike à notre meilleur S Mo pour comparer les clients et voir s’ils sont un potentiel adapté aux produits cloud Microsoft. Le score d’...
作为基础结构合并的一部分,应用程序的所有功能 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources 均可在财务和运营环境中使用。 客户可以使用 Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services 中提供的迁移工具迁移 Human Resources 环境。 他们还可以将数据与现有的财务和运营环境合并。
A 2-week in-depth review of your Dynamics AX deployment to assess if it is ready to upgrade to the cloud. This 2-week consulting engagement is designed to help customers understand and evaluate their options for upgrading ...
3. PwC, “Breakthrough innovation and growth,” Rob Shelton David Percival, September 2013. 客户 员工 产品 运营 Microsoft AppSource Microsoft Dynamics 365 共享应用平台:PowerApps, Microsoft Flow, 通用数据模型 按需增长,高效重塑业务流程,更快做出明智决策。 Microsoft Dynamics 365 运营模块 由Dynamics AX ...
A 2-week in-depth review of your Dynamics AX deployment to assess if it is ready to upgrade to the cloud. This 2-week consulting engagement is designed to help customers understand and evaluate their options for upgradi...
The evolution of the solution from AX2012R3 into Operations not only carries forward the key components of the business logic but is deployed through the proven engine of ‘Lifecycle services’ which works as both a collaborative environment for our Partners, Microsoft and...