了解開發 Docker 應用程式的工作流程詳細資訊。 最佳化 Dockerfiles,並使用 Visual Studio 中提供的簡化工作流程。
All Windows container base images are discoverable through Docker Hub. The Windows container base images themselves are served from mcr.microsoft.com, the Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). This is why the pull commands for the Windows container base images look like the following:code კო...
Docker 軟體會自動在您的電腦上設定本機映像登錄。 您可以使用docker images命令來檢視此登錄中的映像。 主控台複製 docker images 輸出看起來會像下列範例這樣: 輸出複製 REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE tmp-ubuntu latest f89469694960 14 minutes ago 1.69GB tmp-ubuntu version-1.0 f89469694960 14 minutes ...
了解用于开发基于 Docker 的应用程序的工作流的详细信息。 优化 Dockerfiles,并使用 Visual Studio 中提供的简化工作流。
Dockerfile 复制 ADD source /sqlite/ 以下示例会将以“config”开头的所有文件添加到容器映像的 c:\temp 目录中。Dockerfile 复制 ADD config* c:/temp/ 以下示例会将 Python for Windows下载到容器映像的 c:\temp 目录中。Dockerfile 复制 ADD https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.5.1/python-3.5.1...
1、docker images2、docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server3、docker images4、docker ps -a5、docker run -e'ACCEPT_EULA=Y'-e'SA_PASSWORD=@bc123'-p1401:1433--name mssql0 -d mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server6、docker logs -f mssql0//查看日志(长度至少为8,具体的可以看截图;另外日志中提...
Xbox Series X 目前为止最疾如闪电、超群出众的 Xbox 购买Xbox Series X 商业版 全新产品 Windows 11 AI+ PC 商用版 借助Surface Pro 商用版 和 Surface Laptop 商用版 提高生产力、更快地解决问题并开启 AI 新时代。 关注Microsoft
Published docker images for use as development containers Adevelopment containeris a runningDockercontainer with a well-defined tool/runtime stack and its prerequisites. It allows you to use a container as a full-featured development environment which can be used to run an application, to separate...
Data Points - EF Core in a Docker Containerized App, Part 3 Microsoft Developer Newsletter Subscription Confirmation Page TechNet Magazine Site title include Don't Get Me Started - Where Are They Now? Cutting Edge - ASP.NET Core gRPC Services Microsoft Developer Newsletter - Volume 23, Number ...
\n Run command to install dependencies\n Copy the necessary dependency files into Docker image\n\n These two steps are also the main steps which user needs to customize.","kudosSumWeight":1,"repliesCount":4,"postTime":"2023-03-10T00:02:21.648-08:00","images":{"__typenam...