Surface 设备 耀原创 立即购买 感谢下载 DirectX End-User Runtime 如果您的下载在 30 秒后还未开始, 单击此处手动下载 安装说明 热门下载 产品:所有类别Business SolutionsOfficeServersWindows PhoneDeveloper ToolsMSNWindowsWindows LiveGames & XboxWindows MobileInternet ExplorerOther ...
File Name: directx_dec2006_redist.exe File Size: 59.2 MB This download provides the DirectX end-user multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product. The redistributable lice...
This download provides the DirectX end-user multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the Redistributable. For full details please review the DirectX SDK EULA.txt and DirectX Redist...
The DirectX 9.0b runtime cannot be unin... Download Microsoft DirectX 9.0b v.9.0b driverSoftware name:Microsoft DirectX 9.0(Eng) Version:9.0 Released:19.12.2002 System:Windows XPWindows 2000Windows 98Windows ME Description:This download provides the DirectX 9.0 end-user redistributable that develop...
DXGKDDI_RESETFROMTIMEOUT DxgkddiResetfromtimeout; NTSTATUS DxgkddiResetfromtimeout( [in] IN_CONST_HANDLE hAdapter ) {...} 参数 [in] hAdapter 与显示适配器关联的上下文块的句柄。 显示微型端口驱动程序以前向 MiniportDeviceContext 中的 Microsoft DirectX 图形内核子系统提供了此句柄,DxgkDdiAddDe...
显示微型端口驱动程序以前向 MiniportDeviceContext 中的 Microsoft DirectX 图形内核子系统提供了此句柄,DxgkDdiAddDevice 函数的输出参数。 返回值 DxgkDdiRestartFromTimeout 返回STATUS_SUCCESS,指示驱动程序已成功处理调用;否则,作系统 bug 会检查并导致重启。 言论 作系统从作系统的角度调用 DxgkDdiRestartFrom...
{ using namespace msxr; using namespace xr::math; using namespace DirectX; class XrSpaceManager : IXrSpaceManager { public: std::optional<XrSpaceLocationInternal> Locate() const { XrSpaceLocationInternal spaceRelation{}; spaceRelation.velocityFlags = spaces::XrSpaceVelocityFlags_Valid; XMMATRIX ...
A handle to a context block that is associated with a display adapter. The display miniport driver previously provided this handle to the Microsoft DirectX graphics kernel subsystem in theMiniportDeviceContextoutput parameter of theDxgkDdiAddDevicefunction. ...
DirectX Runtime DirectX Version Number DirectX Libraries Installation of DirectX by the Game's Installer Small Installation Packages Internal Deployment of the Debug DirectX Runtime Viktigt The legacy DirectX SDK is at end-of-life, but it's still available in order to support old games, tutorials...
end-user customers; (d) any distribution of the DirectX Media Runtime includes each and every runtime file distributed as a single set; (e) you do not use a COM class ID for any file(s) in your Application which is identical to any DirectX Media Runtime COM class ID; (e) you do...