API 概述DirectStorage 接口采用与 Direct3D 接口相同的模式。游戏最初获取单一实例工厂。 该工厂用于创建请求队列和打开文件,这些对象中的每一个都有直接到硬件的映射。 然后将各个请求排入队列,以提交到硬件。IDStorageFactoryXIDStorageFactoryX 是用于创建队列、打开文件和提交挂起请求的主接口。
DirectStorage API referenceThis section is a reference for APIs declared indstorage.hfor DirectStorage-based programming. Phản hồi Trang này có hữu ích không? CóKhông Cung cấp phản hồi về sản phẩm| ...
DirectStorage API reference DirectStorage API reference DirectStorage constants DirectStorage enumerations DirectStorage functions DirectStorage functions DStorageCreateCompressionCodec DStorageGetFactory DStorageSetConfiguration DStorageSetConfiguration1 DirectStorage interfaces DirectStorage structures and unions PDF dowload...
k. Microsoft Storage. i. OneDrive Storage Allocation. If you have more content stored in your OneDrive than is provided to you under the terms of your free or paid subscription service for Microsoft storage and you do not respond to notice from Microsoft to fix your account by removing excess...
可以根据 Azure 资源管理器 API 限制中规定的频率执行 API 调用。 Data Lake Storage 限制 Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 不是专用的服务或存储帐户类型。 它是最新发布的专用于大数据分析的功能。 这些功能在常规用途 v2 或 BlockBlobStorage 存储帐户中提供,你可以通过启用该帐户的“分层命名空间”功能来获...
Relevance Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Nothing found Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords. Get started with Microsoft Security Microsoft is a leader in cybersecurity, and we embrace our responsibility to make the world a safer place. ...
devcon status GenDisk GenCdRom FDC\GENERIC_FLOPPY_DRIVE STORAGE\Volume ROOT\DMIO ROOT\FTDISK ACPI\PNP0700 作为响应,DevCon 显示每个设备的状态。控制台 复制 FDC\GENERIC_FLOPPY_DRIVE\1&3A2146F1&0&0 Name: Floppy disk drive Driver is running. IDE\CDROMSAMSUNG_DVD-ROM_SD-608___2.2___\4&...
最后,使用 CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream 方法转换文件流。 Windows 运行时 API 表示使用 IRandomAccessStream 的流,而 WIC 使用 IStream。C++ 复制 ComPtr<IStream> stream; DX::ThrowIfFailed( CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream(randomAccessStream, IID_PPV_ARGS(&stream)) ); ...
These applications are self-contained on the storage device you use. If they write to the registry or require any "off-disk" access, they should return everything to its pre-run state on exit. And you can run the apps without the PortableApps.com Platform—they are available wrapped in ...
HADR_CLUSAPI_CALL SQL Server 线程正等待从非抢占模式(由 SQL Server 计划)切换到抢占模式(由操作系统计划),以调用 Windows Server 故障转移群集 API。适用于:SQL Server 2012 (11.x) 及更高版本。 HADR_COMPRESSED_CACHE_SYNC 等待访问压缩日志块缓存,该缓存用于避免对发送到多个辅助数据库的日志块进行冗余压缩...