AddTransient<T>如果在解析期间请求,将创建对象的新实例。 暂时性对象没有预定义的生存期,但通常遵循其主机的生存期。 备注 视图模型不从接口继承,因此它们只需要将其具体类型提供给AddSingleton<T>和AddTransient<T>方法。 CatalogViewModel在应用的根附近使用,并且应始终可用,因此向AddSingleton<T>注册它是有益的。
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 是 .NET Core 框架内置的一个依赖注入(Dependency Injection,简称DI)库,它为开发者提供了一种灵活的方式来管理应用程序中的依赖关系。依赖注入是一种设计模式,旨在降低组件之间的耦合度,提高代码的可测试性和可维护性。本文将详细介绍 Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 的基本...
services.AddTransient(typeof(MainWindow)); } } In this method we create the Service Provider and configure the IoC container in a similar way of ASP.NET Core. We only need a bit of initialization. First of all, at line 9-13 we create an IConfiguration object that allows to read settin...
services.AddTransient(typeof(MainWindow)); } } In this method we create the Service Provider and configure the IoC container in a similar way of ASP.NET Core. We only need a bit of initialization. First of all, at line 9-13 we create an IConfiguration object that allows to read settin...
If a singleton service has a dependency on a transient service, the transient service may also require thread safety depending on how it's used by the singleton. The factory method of a singleton service, such as the second argument to AddSingleton<TService>(IServiceCollection, Func<IService...
Adds a transient service of the type specified inserviceTypeto the specifiedIServiceCollection. AddTransient(IServiceCollection, Type, Func<IServiceProvider,Object>) Adds a transient service of the type specified inserviceTypewith a factory specified inimplementationFactoryto the specified...
除了上面这三个常用方法之外,还有 TryAddTransient、TryAddSingleton、TryAddScoped 这三个用于添加服务的方法,与之前所提三个方法的区别在于带Try 的这三个方法在添加服务时会检查服务是否已存在,若已经存在则不再添加。 services.AddSingleton<IMyDependency,MyDependency>();//下面这行代码不起作用,因为IMyDependency...
usingConsoleDisposable.Example;usingMicrosoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;usingMicrosoft.Extensions.Hosting; HostApplicationBuilder builder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(args); builder.Services.AddTransient<TransientDisposable>(); builder.Services.AddScoped<ScopedDisposable>(); builder.Services.AddSingleton<Singlet...
AddScoped, AddSingleton and AddTransient. I’ll focus on AddScoped for my solution because it scopes the lifetime of the requested instance to each HTTP request in the MVC application where I want to use my EF6Model project. The application won’t try to share an instance across requests....
Transient: A new instance of the type is used every time the type is requested. Scoped: A new instance of the type is created the first time it’s requested within a given HTTP request, and then re-used for all subsequent types resolved during that HTTP request. ...