Microsoft Defender防病毒扫描完成后,无论是按需扫描还是计划扫描,结果都将被记录,你可以查看结果。 使用Microsoft Defender XDR查看扫描结果 若要使用 Microsoft Defender XDR Endpoint 查看扫描结果,请遵循以下过程。 登录到Microsoft Defender门户 转到事件 & 警报>警报。
Microsoft Defender防病毒扫描完成后,无论是按需扫描还是计划扫描,结果都将被记录,你可以查看结果。 使用Microsoft Defender XDR查看扫描结果 若要使用 Microsoft Defender XDR Endpoint 查看扫描结果,请遵循以下过程。 登录到Microsoft Defender门户 转到事件 & 警报>警报。
設定惡意程式碼掃描的回應 - Microsoft Defender for Cloud 瞭解如何設定惡意程式碼掃描的回應,以防止有害檔案上傳至Azure 儲存體。 適用於 儲存體 的 Microsoft Defender - 惡意代碼掃描的進階設定 - Microsoft Defender for Cloud 瞭解適用於 儲存體 惡意代碼掃描的 Microsoft Defender 進階設定 適用於 儲存體...
替代Defender for Storage 订阅级别设置 下一步 可以将恶意软件扫描配置为将扫描结果发送到以下位置: 事件网格自定义主题- 用于基于每个扫描结果的准实时自动响应。 Log Analytics 工作区- 用于将每次扫描结果存储在集中式日志存储库中,以便进行合规性和审核工作。
Where can I find scan results? To see the Microsoft Defender Offline scan results: SelectStart, and then selectSettings>Update & Security>Windows Security>Virus & threat protection. On the Virus & threat protection screen in Windows 10, underCurrent threats, selectSca...
I have been asked by our service desk if they start a scan using the Defender portal against an onboarded device can they see the final scan results. I believe all we can see is when the last scan completed. Have I missed something? Regards Mike ...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":3934090,"subject":"Accessing a device scan results in Defender portal","id":"message:3934090","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1565287"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:Mi...
How to start a scan for viruses or malware in Microsoft Defender Note: Microsoft Defender currently offers anti-malware on Windows, Android, and macOS. If you want a deeper scan, instead of selecting Quick scan in step 3, select Scan options and choose the type of scan you want. For the...
Microsoft XDR (Defender) - DeviceEvents - ShellLinkCreateFileEvent Hi everyone, I've been trying to create a hunting query in the Defender portal to identify when a malicious .lnk file is created. I noticed that an interesting event to detect and analyze this is "DeviceEvents --> ShellLink...
Microsoft XDR (Defender) - DeviceEvents - ShellLinkCreateFileEvent Hi everyone, I've been trying to create a hunting query in the Defender portal to identify when a malicious .lnk file is created. I noticed that an interesting event to detect and analyze this is "DeviceEvents --> ShellLink...