What is Microsoft Defender for Business? Defender for Business is an enterprise-grade, AI-powered device security solution designed especially for small and medium-sized businesses (up to 300 employees). It helps protect your company's devices from ransomware, malware, phishing, and other cyberthr...
Microsoft 365 商业高级版包括Defender 商业版,这是用于保护设备的新安全解决方案。 请参阅将设备载入 Microsoft Defender for Business。转到Microsoft Defender门户 (https://security.microsoft.com) 并登录。 转到“资产>设备”。 如果尚未设置Defender 商业版,系统会提示运行安装向导。 载入设备。 查看安全策...
自2022 年 3 月 1 日起,適用於企業的 Microsoft Defender 隨附於 Microsoft 365 商務進階版。 這項供應項目為裝置提供額外的安全性功能。深入了解商務用 Defender。 您可以使用 適用於企業的 Defender 功能來檢視和監視裝置健全狀況狀態。 移至Microsoft Defender 入口網站 (https://security.microsoft.com) 並登入...
商務用Defender和 Microsoft 365 商務進階版中包含自動攻擊中斷。 深入了解自動攻擊中斷。 正在推出安全性摘要報告 。使用這些報告來檢視商務用Defender所防止的威脅、Microsoft安全分數狀態,以及改善安全性的建議。 請參閱 Microsoft Defender for Business 中的報表...
資源描述 管理和 API 概觀 商務用Defender是以 適用於端點的 Microsoft Defender 為基礎,是整合就緒的平臺。 本文說明如何使用適用於端點的Defender API將工作流程自動化並進行創新。 設定受管理的安全性服務提供者整合 提供成功整合客戶租使用者與 MSP 解決方案所採取的步驟概觀。使用...
Microsoft 365 Business Premium provides Microsoft 365 apps and powerful cloud services with comprehensive security to help protect your business from cyberthreats.
Basically, if you have a Business Premium license in your tenant then Defender will be locked down to Business premium features no matter how many Defender for Endpoint P2 licenses you own. This eradicates the ability to do deviceevent and other device based hunting, rem...
Start your 1-month trialBuy Microsoft 365 now Sign up for free. Cancel anytime. You’ll be asked to provide a method of payment so there’s no interruption in your service after 30 days. You won’t be charged before your trial ends. After that, Microsoft 365 Family isPrice unavailable...
This training series is based on the Ninja blog and brings you up to speed quickly on Microsoft 365 Defender.
The preview trial can be activated within an existing Microsoft 365 Business Premium tenant, or as standalone with the appropriate testing prerequisites in place for mobile scenarios. At general availability, when Microsoft Defender for Business will be included Business Premi...