Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions Troubleshooting mode for Defender for Endpoint Diagnostics and performance for Microsoft Defender Antivirus Troubleshooting Microsoft Defender Antivirus Review event logs and error codes to troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Defender Antivirus Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender...
Step 2: Determine where Microsoft Defender Antivirus settings are configured Step 3: Identify policies or settings Step 4: Remove or revise conflicting policies Applies to: Microsoft Defender XDR Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and 2
Troubleshoot Mobile Threat Defense Troubleshoot sensor health issues using Client Analyzer Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service issues Troubleshoot live response issues Collect support logs using LiveAnalyzer Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Antivirus settings Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender ...
Diagnostics for Microsoft Defender Antivirus Troubleshooting Microsoft Defender Antivirus Troubleshoot performance issues related to real-time protection Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance issues Review event logs and error codes to troubleshoot issues with Microsoft Defender...
想要體驗適用於端點的 Microsoft Defender 嗎? 注册免費試用版。當您建立一組稱為組態) 的惡意探索保護防護 (時,您可能會發現設定匯出和匯入程式不會移除所有不必要的風險降低。您可以在 Windows 安全性 中手動移除不必要的防護功能,也可以使用下列程式來移除所有防護功能,然後改為匯入基準...
針對防病毒軟體設定 Microsoft Defender 疑難解答 假設從非 Microsoft 防病毒軟體產品移轉,當您嘗試啟用 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體時,將不會啟動。 您很可能遇到原則衝突。 您可以檢查此登錄機碼來縮小問題範圍:DisableAntispyware(設定 dword) 1 (十六進位) 。
因此测试Defender请不要联网检测后再测试断网,这会对结果造成干扰。 参考: 官方文档: 对之前卡饭论坛坛友的回答 附记: 软式机翻中文: 混凝土???
If you find that your settings aren't taking effect, you might have a conflict. For information on how to resolve conflicts, see Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Antivirus settings.For False Negatives (FNs) submissionsTo information on how to make False Negatives (FNs) submissions, see:...
If onboarding devices successfully completes but Microsoft Defender for Endpoint doesn't start after a reboot and shows error 577, check that Windows Defender isn't disabled by a policy.For more information, see Ensure that Microsoft Defender Antivirus is not disabled by policy....
如果您的系統有與 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體 (反惡意代碼服務可執行檔、MsMpEng.exe、Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體) 相關的高 CPU 使用量或效能問題。 身為系統管理員,您也可以自行針對這些問題進行疑難解答。 首先,您可能想要檢查是否有其他軟體造成問題。 如需防病毒軟體排除專案的已知問題,請參閱洽詢廠商。