选择下面的一个区域,以查找你所在国家/地区的客户服务电话号码。 非洲 亚洲 澳大利亚/太平洋 Europe 北美/中美洲/加勒比地区 中东 南美洲 上次更新时间:2025 年 1 月 2 日 订阅RSS 源 需要更多帮助? 需要更多选项? 发现 社区 了解订阅权益、浏览培训课程、了解如何保护设备等。
For help, select theGet helpbutton below. Describe your problem, and we'll provide self-help or connect you to the most appropriate support, which may include chat or request a call — we’ll call you, so you don’t have to wait. ...
You can port your Teams number in regions where Azure Communication Services is available. Use the information in Create a Special Order for Telephone Numbers.Add a phone number to a voice workstreamAfter you acquire a phone number, you must add it to a voice workstream to be able to use ...
You may be required to provide additional information, like your mailing address and a telephone number (other than a VOIP or toll-free number), and you may also be asked to enter a fraud-prevention code or sign additional legal documents to redeem Points for certain Redemption Options. Once...
Before you configure the SMS functionality, you need to ensure the necessary phone numbers or message providers are defined for use. You can configure the phone numbers and message providers in the Customer Service admin center app. Dependin...
Text Telephone (TTY/TDD): (905) 568-9641 Caribbean Microsoft Caribbean, Inc. Phone: (809) 273-3600 Fax: (809) 273-3636 Technical Support: Phone: (408) 953-8086 E-mail: mailto: mscasup@microsoft.com Customer Service: Phone: (800) 297-5982, for area codes 787 and 809 only E-mail:...
This cmdlet creates a request to upload Direct Routing telephone numbers to Microsoft Teams telephone number management inventory. New-CsOnlineLisCivicAddress Use the New-CsOnlineLisCivicAddress cmdlet to create a civic address in the Location Information Service (LIS). New-CsOnlineLisLocation Use...
I have a large excel file (905 names) where the telephone number is formatted xxx-xxx-xxxx. The phonebank program I'm using will not accept...
Microsoft 365 for US Government Service Descriptions ·Office 365 Platform (GCC, GCCH, DoD) ·Office 365 U.S. Government GCC High endpoints ·Office 365 U.S. Government DoD endpoints · Microsoft Purview (GCC,GCCH,DoD) ·Enterprise Mobility & Security (GCC, GCCH, DoD) ...
Find telephone numbers for Volume Licensing Activation Centers worldwide. Volume Licensing fulfillment Find information about how to get the software that you have licensed by download or physical media.Register and activate your product license keys Volume License key FAQ Find answers to your questi...