Microsoft Copilot:基础版本,免费提供。Copilot with commercial data protection:适用于所有 Microsoft 365 商业和教育客户,无需额外费用。该版本可保护公司和组织数据,不会保存聊天记录,也不会将 Copilot 信息用于训练微软的大型语言模型。Copilot with Graph-grounded chat:适用于 Copilot for Microsoft 365 订...
Microsoft Copilot:基础版本,免费提供。 Copilot with commercial data protection:适用于所有 Microsoft 365 商业和教育客户,无需额外费用。该版本可保护公司和组织数据,不会保存聊天记录,也不会将 Copilot 信息用于训练微软的大型语言模型。 Copilot with Graph-grounded chat:适用于 Copilot for Microsoft 365 订阅...
Microsoft Copilot with Graph-grounded chat enables you to bring your work content and context to Microsoft Copilot's chat capabilities. With Graph-grounded chat, you can draft content, catch up on what you missed, and get answers to questions via open-ended prompts— all securely grounded in...
Microsoft Copilot (previously named Bing Chat) Microsoft Copilot with commercial data protection (previously named Bing Chat Enterprise) Microsoft Copilot with Graph-grounded chat (previously named Microsoft 365 Chat) The chat provider is the underlying service that Copilot ...
Microsoft Copilot with Graph-grounded chat is the chat experience in Copilot for Microsoft 365. It enables users to make use of cross-app intelligence. The conversational chat interface allows Copilot for Microsoft 365 to understand user intent and provide ongoing dialogue. The chat format...
The entire first few chapters of this book gave you valuable introductory knowledge on creating prompts to use in an AI chat experience. That knowledge will culminate in this chapter when we use both web and Microsoft Graph-grounded chat to answer questions not only about life, the universe, ...
Hey,Web plugin in Copilot for M365 Graph-grounded Chat will be ON by default in near future. Copilot in other applications also uses web-grounding (and...
開始使用 Microsoft 365 Copilot ChatApplies To商務用 Office 我的iPhone 版 Office Microsoft 365 Copilot 結合人工智慧 (AI) 與您的工作數據和應用程式的威力,以協助您在聊天體驗中釋放創意、發揮生產力和提升技能。 Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat 位於 M... You could potentially try M365 Copilot with Graph Grounded Chat for this and then paste over to Word.
Microsoft 365 Copilot combines the power of artificial intelligence (AI) with your work data and apps to help you unleash creativity, unlock productivity, and uplevel skills in a chat experience. Microsoft 365 Copilot Chat is the at the center of Microsoft 365 Co...