Trillions of operations per second, all to power your productivity and creativity. Make the right impression NPUs power AI tools for PCs that enhance lighting in video calls and refine writing in documents.Copilot+ PC features: Your new superpower Accelerate your productivity and creativity with un...
New Surface Pro 11th Edition, a Copilot+ PC is designed to pack ultra-powerful AI-acceleration into an ultra-portable laptop. Get to know the most powerful 2-in-1 laptop.
Microsoft 在 5 月 20 日在其新園區舉辦一場特別發布會,發表全新 Copilot+ PC 系列 — 一款圍繞AI而設計的 Windows PC系列。Copilot+ PC是史上速度最快、最智能的 Windows PC。Copilot+ PC擁有強大的新晶片,能達到驚人的每秒超過40兆次運算(trillion operations per second,TOPS),具全天電池續航能力,並可...
Understanding Microsoft's Copilot products isn't easy, so let's take a closer look at which of these products is.
• Faster AI image creation with 100 boosts per day with Designer (formerly Bing Image Creator) By combining the power of GPT-4 with the imaginative capabilities of DALL·E 3, Copilot not only enhances your design workflow, but can also bring your creativity to inspiring new heights. ...
了解Microsoft Copilot 在每天使用的应用中使用 AI 助手实现可以想象的任何内容。 开始Copilot 之旅 可在何处获取 Copilot? 浏览 使用Paint Cocreator 生成艺术 只需几个字即可创建令人惊叹的艺术作品。 Microsoft Paint Cocreator 将帮助你放创造力,并在 AI 的帮助下制作自己的作品。
Copilot+ Les PC offrent des expériences uniques en matière d'IA et sont livrés avec des versions modernes de Windows 11. Ces fonctions d’IA, conçues pour fonctionner sur le NPU de l'appareil, sont notamment les suivantes :
The hardware a “Copilot+ PC” requires To be branded a Copilot+ PC, a PC will have to have an approved chip with an NPU that delivers 40 TOPS (trillion operations per second). That’s why they need those Snapdragon X Plus or Elite chips. Additionally, these machines will require at...
Le Copilot+ PC Developer Guidance suivant couvre : Conditions préalables pour les appareils Qu'est-ce que la puce Snapdragon Elite X+ basée sur la technologie Arm ? Fonctionnalités d'IA uniques prises en charge par Copilot+ PC équipés d'un processeur NPU ...
Inizia una nuova era dell'intelligenza artificiale con le esperienze esclusive offerte dai PC Copilot+ di HP. Scoprite la nuova generazione di PC HP con soluzioni di AI che si adattano alle vostre esigenze.