Discover how Microsoft 365 Copilot for Finance uses AI to streamline financial operations, from data reconciliation to proactive anomaly detection.
本日マイクロソフトは、Microsoft Copilot for Finance のパブリックプレビューを発表します。Copilot for Finance は、特定の業務向けに Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 を拡張して設計された最新の Copilot 製品で、財務部門が日常業務...
action items for scaled impact. In Outlook, Copilot for Finance is natively integrated within Dynamics 365 Finance ERP. Additionally, it's independently adaptable, so that it provides the flexibility to integrate with existing investments in third-party ERP systems and finance solutions such as SAP...
Microsoft Copilot for Finance empowers finance professionals to stay in the flow of work by seamlessly connecting productivity tools with existing financial systems, such as ERP, to support critical business processes and generate insights and actions in real-time. Copilot for Finance accelerates time...
Copilot for Finance is the next-generation AI assistant for finance professionals. What if you had a finance assistant working right alongside you in Microsoft 365 applications? Microsoft Copilot for Finance empowers finance professionals to stay in the flow of work by seamlessly connecting productivi...
Microsoft 365 Copilot for Finance helps you surface insights that support strategic decision-making and reduce the time spent on manual, repetitive work.
我們宣佈推出Microsoft Copilot for Finance公開預覽版,專為財務職能而設的Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365擴充功能套件,旨在革新財務團隊處理日常工作的方式。Copilot for Finance 加入已開放使用的Copilot for Sales及 Copilot for Service,將提供以AI驅動、針對特定職能的自動...
Copilot in Outlook Copilot for Finance (Preview) Benefit: Automate drafting of emails and use Copilot to review the tone and customize emails with relevant records and insight. 5. Update financial data Prompt Copilot in Outlook to summarize recent payment updates. Use Copilot for Finance to ...
在Loop 中征求 Copilot 的意见,并与团队一起确定客户协议草案的技术会计指导。 副驾驶循环 示例提示:生成空间让团队成员能够动态地对交易结构建议做出贡献和构思。“创建列表 合同审查要讨论的主题。” 5. 准备会议 与利益相关者就推荐的会计指导达成一致,促使Copilot成为会议议程。 ...
Microsoft Copilot for Finance 可通过 Microsoft Copilot Studio 连接到现有的财务系统,采集财务既有数据源之外,也支持 Microsoft Dynamics 365等 ERP 系统,以更为互联的全局视野,审视异常风险与数据,及时校正优化。 “从不同系统集成数据,并进行分析对比,是全球每一个财务团队的必要任务。一个财务规划和分析团队的...