可以在 Microsoft Security Copilot 中上传文件,以便在提示 Copilot 并提及“已上传的文件”时引用该文件的内容以获取响应。 可以上传的文件示例包括组织的策略和合规性文档、调查和响应过程以及模板。 通过将大量知识集成到 Copilot 中,Copilot 可以对知识库或文档进行推理,并生成更相关、更具体、更符合操作需求的响...
创建了新的 Copilot 提示簿 CreateCopilotPromptBook 代表用户 (或管理员或系统的用户) Copilot 中创建了一个新的提示簿。 删除了 Copilot 插件 DeleteCopilotPlugin 代表用户 (或管理员或系统的用户) 删除了 Copilot 插件。 删除了 Copilot 提示簿 DeleteCopilotPromptBook 代表用户 (或管理员或系统的用户) ...
You can upload your own documents for use as a knowledge source at the agent level, which your agent then uses to generate answers with generative AI.备注 When you upload documents using this method, the documents are available to your agent at all levels. However, you can upload documents ...
I have generated a Word document using Copilot and saved it to my personal OneDrive. Subsequently, I attempted to create a PowerPoint presentation using this document. However, I noticed that there is no option to upload a Word file or reference a file through the...
下表列出稽核記錄中記錄 Microsoft 365 Copilot 和 Microsoft Copilot 的活動。 可跨Microsoft服務存取 Copilot。 活動包括使用者與 Copilot 互動的方式和時機。 這包括活動發生的Microsoft服務,以及互動期間所存取檔案的參考。 如需 Copilot 互動事件和架構範例的詳細資訊,請參閱 Copilot 互動事件概觀。 若要在互動...
Hello everyone,I have generated a Word document using Copilot and saved it to my personal OneDrive.Subsequently, I attempted to create a PowerPoint...
Microsoft 365 Copilot combines the power of large language models (LLMs) with your organization’s data to turn your words into one of the most powerful productivity tools on the planet.
The following table lists the messages for the Copilot (bot) table. Messages represent operations that can be performed on the table. They may also be events.展開表格 Name Is Event?Web API OperationSDK for .NET AssignEvent: True PATCH /bots(botid)Update the ownerid property. AssignRequest...
Microsoft Copilot AI in Windows Explore Microsoft products Windows 11 apps Microsoft Store Account profile Download Center Microsoft Store support Returns Order tracking Certified Refurbished Microsoft Store Promise Flexible Payments Education Microsoft in education Devices for education Mic...
Upload a file to a channel To upload a file to a channel in Teams: Go to Teams in the leftmost side of Teams. Choose the channel you want to upload a file in. Drag and drop the file from where it's currently located into the Teams window among the files. Select Upload...