In other words, if no search results are found in a mailbox or site, then any unindexed items in that mailbox or site won't be exported. 原因是,从组织中的许多位置导出部分索引的项目可能会增加导出错误的可能性,并增加导出和下载搜索结果所需的时间。 若要从所有内容位置导出部分索引的项目以供...
因此,如果您選擇匯出已編製索引的專案和部分編製索引的專案, (選取 [ 所有專案],包括格式無法辨識的專案、已加密,或因其他原因而未編製 索引的導出選項) ,隨一般結果匯出的部分索引專案將會列在 Results.csv 報表中。 它們不會列在 Unindexed items.csv 報表中。
Unindexed items : Creating a content search :
In other words, if no search results are found in a mailbox or site, then any unindexed items in that mailbox or site won't be exported. 但是,来自所有内容位置的未编制索引项 (即使不包含与搜索查询) 匹配的项目也会包含在估计的搜索结果中。
L’énumération UnindexedFieldURIType identifie les propriétés non indexées fréquemment référencées par URI.
The BasePathToElementType class is the base class for the PathToUnindexedFieldType, PathToIndexedFieldType, PathToExceptionFieldType, or PathToExtendedFieldType classes. BasePermissionType The BasePermissionType class is an abstract class that defines base permissions for items and folders. BaseReques...
PathToUnindexedFieldType PerformReminderActionResponseMessageType PerformReminderActionType PeriodType PermissionActionType PermissionLevelType PermissionReadAccessType PermissionSetType PermissionType PersonaAttributionType PersonaPhoneNumberType PersonaPostalAddressType PersonaResponseShapeType PersonaType PhoneCallIdType ...
Returns the total number of items in the index column. Specify a content collection to retrieve the item count for one content collection within the index column. If indexing is ongoing, this number may include some unindexed items which have arrived in the indexer but which have not been inde...
Returns the total number of items in the index column. Specify a content collection to retrieve the item count for one content collection within the index column. If indexing is ongoing, this number may include some unindexed items which have arrived in the indexer but which have not been inde...