Thanks for sharing the support phone number. In addition, to get the latest way to contact our support, please refer to the following information. If you are using Professional and Small Businesses, you can get support for Office 365 from here. If you are using Enterprises, you can get...
Get help Business Users Please note that support cases for Surface business devices may only be initiatedonline. Select a region below to find a customer service phone number in your country/territory. ...
Sign-in helper Contact Support For technical support, go toContact Microsoft Support, enter your problem and selectGet Help. If you still need help, selectContact Supportto be routed to the best support option. Important:To prot...
Note that if you have a Pay-As-You-Go Calling Plan, you can only acquire 1 phone number per license assigned. For details, see How many phone numbers can you get?. If you need to get more phone numbers than this, contact Support Contact for Business Products - Admin Help....
ContactPhone 构造函数 属性 PhoneNumber 方法 联系人 电子邮件 EmailAttachment EmailBodyFormat EmailExtensions EmailMessage IContacts IEmail IPhoneDialer 主义 PhoneDialer Sms SmsMessage Microsoft.Maui.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer Microsoft.Maui.Authentication ...
I just received and email "Notice of Developer Requirements" with this section: Updating Your Contact Information Microsoft requires that you enter your contact information: email, physical address, and phone number. This information is… Microsoft Partner Center Microsoft Partner Center A Microsoft ...
When you find the contact, tap on their name, and then tap theContact cardicon (it’s the last icon). Then select the number you’d like to call─work or mobile number. This will call the person on their work line or mobile phone. ...
Phone supportMonday to Friday: 9:00am-8:00pmSaturday to Sunday: 10:00am-5:00pm Web chatMonday to Sunday: 24 hours a day Disability answer desk Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered. Get answers Customer support Contact us Xbox status Xbox forums Your...
Phone supportMonday to Friday: 9:00am-8:00pmSaturday to Sunday: 10:00am-5:00pm Web chatMonday to Sunday: 24 hours a day Disability answer desk Accessible help and resources to get your Xbox questions answered. Get answers Customer support Contact us Xbox status Xbox forums Your...