[2] Microsoft Complete for Surface: For covered defects and/or accidental damage, maximum of two (2) claims. Each claim is subject to a $49 deductible. Microsoft Complete for Xbox: For mechanical breakdowns and/or accidental damage claims, maximum of: one (1) Xbox console replacement; two...
师生9折购Surface新品,叠享加1元购指定鼠标及Microsoft Complete 延保服务5折。 立即选购 折扣专区 购买Surface 设备 购买Xbox 游戏和主机 选择你的 Microsoft 365 获取Windows 11 购买商用版 7折享Surface Laptop Studio 2 酷睿i7/16GB内存/512GB硬盘,加购享价值199元礼赠 立即购买 9折享Surface...
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When you design and create new devices, consider avoiding activation methods that require players to perform twisting motions or prolonged time to complete an action. In cases where this avoidance isn't possible, provide alternative methods to perform these actions that are less physically demanding. ...
type OrderItem = { Name: string; Cost:int } let orderItems = [ { Name="XBox"; Cost=500 } { Name="Book"; Cost=10 } { Name="Movie ticket"; Cost=7 } ] let sum = List.sumBy(fun item -> item.Cost) orderItems printfn "%i" sum // 517 In the preceding code, the Cost fie...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
TitleInfo UserTitleInfo Title-specific information for the user account TwitchInfo UserTwitchInfo User Twitch account information, if a Twitch account has been linked Username string User account name in the PlayFab service XboxInfo UserXboxInfo User XBox account information, if a XBox acc...
包含以下字段:authId 这是与此事件关联的用户的 ID,该 ID 从诸如 Microsoft 帐户票证或 XBOX 令牌之类的令牌中推断得出。 localId 表示客户端本地创建和添加的唯一用户标识。 这不是用户帐户 ID。Common Data Extensions.utc描述可由 Windows 上的日志记录库填充的属性。包含以下字段:...
Download to only one compatible device. You must begin viewing the item of VOD Video within 14 days of your order and complete your viewing within the next 24 hours (unless another period was specified at time of purchase); after this period expires, you may not view the VOD Video without...
For Skype, please complete the Withdrawal Form using the information provided here (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=618286). You should refer back to the offer describing the Services as (i) you may not receive a refund at the time of cancellation; (ii) you may be obliged to...